Chapter 10: FINALLY!!!

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Keith's P.O.V
I woke up to Lance cuddling me. We were both naked and our clothes were all over the floor. I blushed 'What happened last night?' I thought as I yawned a little and looked at the time. I smiled at the sights of Lance. I decided, since it was so early I would go back to sleep
~Time skip~ (Keith's P.O.V) 
"Morning babe." Lance was hovering over me, smiling sweetly. I sat up and yawned "Morning. Wait...babe?" I looked at him and he giggled "Can I not call you that. I mean we did fuck last night." I blushes as he said that "Wouldn't say it like that lover boy." I smirked a little. He patted my head and kissed my forehead "Well you should start getting some clothes on. Before someone notices. Then today we gotta tell everyone."
"Tell everyone what?"
"That we are dating."
"Better than later babe."
"What if everyone looks at me differently."
"Keith they wont."
"No buts."
"Fine.." I crossed my arms and got up. He smiled and threw me some jeans and a black long sleeve. I walked in my bathroom and started to put the clothes on "How did I do last night?" I blushed "I'll answer later ." I giggled and he did too "Why not now?" I could hear his voice get closer to the bathroom door "Im trying to change." I rolled my eyes playfully and opened the door. He smiled "Now?" I giggled and hit him playfully "No. Lets go." He wrapped his arm around me and nodded. We walked to the central and Lance cleared his throat. I was nervous as fuck at this moment. It may seem I'm calm. But I'm not. Lance walked to the stand then turned the mic on. I walked up beside him and stood there. Waiting. 'Let this go good please..'
Lance's P.O.V
I grabbed the mic and took a breathe "Everyone. Come to the central. Please." I looked over at Keith, who was standing next to me. He was fidgeting with his hands and he looked hesitance. I wrapped my arm around him "Babe its okay. They will understand and if not they are stupid." I smiled sweetly. He looked at me and smiled a little "Okay.." I nodded and I looked up to see everyone standing there. I un-wrapped my arm around him and stood there "Okay. Everyone, me and Keith." I looked at him, who was looking down, nervous. I smiled still looking at him "We are dating." Keith blushed and I kept smiling. I look to see everyone, smiling at us. The biggest smiles was Pidge and Shiro. I looked at Keith and he was smiling as he saw everyone smiling at us "FINALLY!!!!!" Pidge screamed at us. She ran to me and Keith and made us hug. We smiled and hugged each other. Pidge was fangirling as she saw us hugging cause of her. Shiro walked up and fanboyed with Pidge. I kissed the top of Keith's head and he smiled. We broke the hug and nodded "Thats all I--"
"We." Keith looked at me, smiling. I smiled "We wanted to say." Everyone nodded and left the room. Well besides me,Keith,Pidge, and Shiro. Pidge jumped on Shiro and he held her "I always shipped y'all!!!!!!" Pidge was saying, hugging Shiro's head.  He was smiling and nodding. We smiled "Well imma go." Keith smiled. I hugged him again and kissed his warm cheek "Okay hun." He blushed and nodded "I love you." Keith smiled "I-I-I-I-I L-L-ove y-you t-t-to." He stuttered and walked off to his room. Shiro watched and gave a father like face towards Keith's room "Welp." Pidge got off Shiro and walked off to her lion's hangout. Shiro giggled "I'm so happy for y'all." I smiled "Thanks." He nodded "Later we need to train. Mkay?" I nodded "I'll tell Keith." He nodded and walked off. I smiled and decided to go and talk to Allura. Cause she seemed a little upset about the news. I walked to her room and knocked. She opened the door and I walked in "Whats up? You didn't seem happy earlier."
"Shouldn't you be with Keith?"
"He's busy. Talk."
"Fine." She huffed and crossed her arms. I stood there waiting for her story on why.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2019 ⏰

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