Chapter Five Hope

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You opened the first door on the left and the living room happened to be there. You headed inside. The floor was made out of cedar wood. There was a bookcase off to the right side of the room. And a security camera was positioned above the door. You wondered if Black Hat was watching you. You really hoped he wasn't. And if there was one here, there must've been more.

You didn't have time to think about it now, you had things to do.

A red couch was in the middle of the room with a flat-screen television before it. And a dark brown coffee table in the middle of both. 5.0.5 sat on the couch. He was watching the news on the T.V. You stood in the doorway, curiously watching it as well.

A woman with brown pixie cut hair, an ivory skin tone, large grey eyes, wearing a white suit was on the screen. She stood in Hatsville town square. The streets were busy, people were walked past her constantly. There were buildings all around her. She held a microphone in her hand as she spoke.

"I am Ria Wilson with SUPERHERO News! A few days ago, a rookie hero named Y/N L/N went missing! And our beloved hero, Vanity was murdered!"

5.0.5 whimpered. You put a hand on his shoulder, rubbing it gently to comfort him.

"We are here with Y/N's parents and Vanity's heroic crew!"

The camera panned to a very angry looking dark freckled skinned woman with a red buzz cut hair. She had brown eyes. The woman wore a bright red and orange super suit with orange boots. Her hands were in fists, burning in flames. And yet, she didn't seem affected or hurt by it.

"Fire Rose, tell us your feelings about your leader's death!" Mrs. Wilson said, giving the mic to the hero.

Fire's voice was loud but clear.

"I'll tell you how I feel! Vanity was a strong leader and didn't deserve to die! The piece of shit needs to be executed for their crimes!"

5.0.5 covered his ears with his paws, shivering with fear.

"It's okay, boy. She's just angry. She's not going to hurt you." You said.

Another hero came into the shot. She had lengthy dark brown hair, a porcelain skin tone, and sky blue eyes. She dressed in an ice blue and black super suit. Her voice slightly high pitched and sweet like a young child.

"Fire, no! That won't fix anything at all! That's not what Vanity would've wanted!"

"What are we supposed to do? Sit back and let this villain get away with murder!?!"

"No, of course not! They should be brought to justice, but execution is not okay! Maybe we should at least the person or creature explain themselves before doing anything rash."

"We'll discuss this later, Icy."

"Well, that was interesting!" Ria said, taking back her microphone. "Now Mr. and Mrs. L/N, what do you have to say about your missing child?"

She gave the mic to your mother. Your mother held the microphone before her, tearing up as she looked directly towards the camera.

"Y/N, sweetheart if you're watching, please...God, please be okay! Wherever you are, just hold on! We will find you and bring you home! And if ANYONE took you, they will pay!"

"We love you..." Your parents said in unison, their eyes full of sadness and anger.

"I love you too..." You murmured. Suddenly the T.V. shut off, startling you and 5.0.5.

"I believe you're supposed to be working, aren't you slave?"

You looked back to the entrance to see Black Hat, holding the television remote control. His eye was cold and serious. 5.0.5 stood up from the couch and sprinted out of the room. You wished you could do the same.

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