The Tale of Madness Begins

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Since this is a repost of a story I made on AO3, there should be a link to the original elsewhere in here (this is my first story here on Wattpad, so give me a little leeway), in case you wanted to view it there.

I'm posting the story here because I like seeing comments in the margins, like about certain parts or how to fix something, and I've loved the Wattpad stories I've read so far. I hope you guys like this as much as I do.

Since this is a completed story, I'm publishing it all at once. However, it's also part of a series, so stay tuned to see the rest of the 'Madness Men' series. Here's the blurb from the first chapter on AO3:

"This is my first work here, so please be nice. I've loved the stories here on the Archive and finally decided to make my own. This work was inspired by a picture I saw on DeviantArt, called Where is my prince? by NadzEscapade. I don't own the artwork, only the idea, so if you want to praise me for this story, you should also praise them for giving me the idea and their artwork. 

This is set in modern times in a slight AU where MCR never broke up and Bob rejoined the band, but I tend to see them looking a bit like Revenge-era during this. You can picture otherwise, but Gerard has his long black hair and Frank's hair is more Danger Days-era in looks and length. Just a heads-up for your imagination."

And at the end of each chapter, there might be notes or pictures, like in AO3, to explain things. Not everything will be explained, but some things should. Have something you want to know, just comment.


"Why the hell are we going to Siberia?!" Mikey growled, wrapped up in his coat as their tour bus trudged along through the snow.

"We're on vacation, remember?" The younger Way looked less ridiculous when sitting beside his brother, Gerard, who was more wrapped up than Mikey was.

"But why does it have to be in one of the coldest places on the planet?!"


"...Point taken." Mikey shivered, "How much longer?"

"Shouldn't be too long." Ray came into the room and joined them on the couch, "Bob says he can see the castle from here."

"That's good." Gerard gave a nod, "I can't wait to get out of the cold."

"But isn't the castle going to be cold?" Mikey asked.

"Not really. They've renovated the place so it can stay warm, even in the winter." Ray explained, "Right, Gerard?"

"Yeah, that's what the brochure said." the eldest agreed, "Frank still sleeping?"

"Don't you know it." Ray sighed with a smile, shaking his head, "You wanna get him up when we get there?"

"Sure. It'll warm me up a bit anyways." Gerard stood and went into the back of the bus, probably to get ready to wake Frank. None of them quite understood how the guy could sleep when it was so cold, but they didn't question it. It had to be one of his perks, right? It wasn't long after that that they finally arrived at the castle, where a bump and a yelp could be heard in the back of the bus. Mikey and Ray rolled their eyes, pretty sure on what happened.

"Everyone ready to go?" Bob asked, peeking his head in from the front as Gerard and Frank joined them.

"All set!" Everyone in the band liked creepy things, but none moreso than Gerard or Frank, and the frontman was practically beaming now while Frank grumbled something about getting back at Gerard. The band then left the bus and stared up in wonder at the huge castle, known as the Four Corners Castle. From the brochure Gerard had procured before coming, it was supposedly around 1000 years old and still stood strong, but had a bit of a dark history. It was still a relatively popular museum-hotel combo, though. They had all discussed thoroughly about coming here, especially with Mikey, seeing as there was a big possibility of ghosts. They had learned their lesson after the Paramour, though it had been a decade since they had been in that hellhole. And much to their surprise, the younger Way had agreed to go, but at the first sign of danger, they would leave. With full agreement from the rest of the band, they had booked their 2-week vacation. Once their vacation was over, they would begin a music tour of Russia and the rest of Asia. It had all been planned out, just as long as Four Corners wasn't dangerous.

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