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Frank gasped, trying to bring in air through all the blood and brought his hands up to stop the bleeding. However, Gervasius forced his hands away with a polite smile that bordered on psychotic.

"I am sorry, Ferdinand, but I cannot let you survive. I will stay by your side until you die, though, just so you will not be alone. I know how it feels to die alone." Gervasius kept his dagger in between his fingers as he held one of Frank's wrists, keeping a tight hold on it as he took the dagger up closer to his face and licked the blood off. If it wasn't for the facts that 1, it was his blood on the dagger, 2, he was dying, and 3, Gervasius was the one in charge, Frank would have thought it was sexy.

"It has been a long time since I tasted the sweetness of blood, but yours seems to be extra sweet." Gervasius gave a kiss to his forehead, "Alas, I will not get to taste it again once we are together, but no matter. My only concern is you. It always has been, even after your death the first time." The madman looked up when he heard a screech outside the door and frowned.

"It appears Monty has escaped and the others are coming for you." Gervasius took a step away from Frank and let go, allowing Frank to try and save his throat, "Romulus is a sweetheart, protecting us from those vicious haters, but even he cannot hold off the entire hoard. You stay here and bleed to death while I handle them, Ferdinand." Gervasius waved to Frank before leaving the room. Even though it hadn't been long since the slit, Frank already felt weak and woozy from bloodloss. Gervasius had cut deep, probably severing the artery, making sure that Frank wasn't going to survive without medical help. And he and the bands were miles from the nearest hospital, so there was no chance of that happening in the next few minutes (unless one of his friends was secretly a nurse or a doctor, and even that was very doubtful). Frank began to cry as he realized that there wasn't going to be a happy ending. Gervasius was going to kill everyone and he wouldn't get to see his family again. And, if Gervasius let Gerard out of the castle, there was no telling what the experience would do to the singer. After all, Gervarius was going to use Gerard to kill everyone, so it was likely Gerard would either try to kill himself or end up in a psychiatric ward after this if Gervasius let him live.

This is all my fault. was all Frank could think as he felt his life slipping between his fingers, dripping red down his shirt, This is all my fault...

Percival, Montresor, and everyone else as they saw who was waiting for them. Gervasius was twirling the dagger between his fingers, leaning on the door that led to Ferdinand's room. And when they turned the corner, he looked up and smiled.

"Ah yes. At long last, I may end this." he pushed off the wall and stood up straight, "There are various ways this could end, but all of them involve your deaths, of which I am happy to supply."

"Stand down, Gervasius." Percival warned, "We do not wish to hurt you."

"Well, I very much wish to hurt you!" Gervasius charged forward, ready to stab them, and the living men scattered, though it was hard to in the small width of the hallway. They may have had numbers on their side, but Gervasius was armed. They needed a plan and they didn't have one yet.

"Guys, keep him distracted." Mikey ordered, "Pete, get out of the fight and get that sword ready!"

"I don't know how to fight with a damn sword!" argued the older bassist, though he did remove himself from Gervasius' sight by going back behind the corner of the hallway, "Filming Centuries was one thing, this is totally different!"

"It's not that hard!" Mikey spoke back, wincing as Gervasius nearly sliced Ray's side, "Think of it as a video game, swing it and hope you hit him!"

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