Beastly Tales

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After Gerard had gotten changed with a guard (which was Frank, as they wanted to keep an eye on him in case Gervasius returned and there was the possibility the ghost king wouldn't hurt the guy who looked just like the king he was once obsessed with) and the sword was put back, they decided to go to the security room to see if they could catch a glimpse of Gervasius. They probably wouldn't, but it was at least worth a shot. Ray and Mikey also went off to find some chains and lock with Montresor's help so they could keep the swords in their cases. From what the young ghost prince had told them, ghosts couldn't pick things up but used the air around them to move things, such as to open or close a door and even manipulate locks. So Gervasius could just unlock anything he wanted, but he couldn't pick up anything without a vessel. That made getting the chains and locks pretty pointless, but they were going to do whatever they could to at least slow Gervasius down.

"Alright, I'll rewind to last night." Bob sat down on the chair in front of the screens and was instantly typing away. Sometimes it was good to have a tech guy as a drummer, such as now. As he searched through the footage, Gerard and Frank watched as well until the elder noticed something off to the side. Eyes lighting up, he got Frank's attention and gestured to the object. Frank gave him a skeptical look, but followed him over to the object.

"I can't get anything on Gervasius, but I do see when he got a hol-" Bob stopped speaking when he saw his bandmates over to the side, "What the hell are you two doing?"

"Handcuffs." Gerard held up his wrists, where Frank had just put the restraints around them, "Just as a precaution."

"Alright. Get over here so you can pay attention." the two did so, allowing him to continue, "Like I was saying, I can't get an actual picture of Gervasius yet, maybe if I enhance the video I might, but for now, I've got the time of when Gerard was possessed."

"Which is?" Frank gestured for him to keep speaking.

"About 10:33 last night, long after we went to bed." Bob pointed to one of the screens, "And watch here. Tell me I'm not the only one who sees it." He hit play and the screen showed a camera that was in the hallway just outside the room where Gerard, Mikey, and Frank were sleeping. Suddenly there was a click on the audio and the door slowly opened, where Gerard stepped out. When he did, he looked at the camera and gave a smile. His eyes were glowing red, but there was a slight foggy look to his face, as if they were looking at him through frosted glass. The fog also looked sort of solid and pale, as if there was another face hovering over Gerard's own. But then it was gone as suddenly as it appeared and the man left, going down the hall.

"What time did Mikey get up?" The older Way asked.

"10:46, a little over ten minutes later, and then he woke all of us up at 10:55." Bob had already checked those times, "Then you chased us all over the place until we locked you in the dungeon at about 11:12. You stay possessed for a while, I'm not sure how long."

"Gervasius looks pissed." Frank noted as Bob went through the footage of Gervasius in the cell. The small guitarist wasn't wrong, as Gervasius used Gerard's body to pace the room. At around 3:28, the possessed man looked up at the camera, snarled, and threw the sword. The camera then cut out to static.

"But if he can open doors with his ghostly powers, like he was doing while chasing you guys, why didn't he use them there?" Gerard asked (they had told him a bit about what he had done while possessed).

"Don't know." Bob said, "Maybe we can ask Montresor. Hopefully he knows."

"Hopefully." Frank agreed.

"Paul?" Percival had gone to see his friend as soon as Gervasius had left, not wanting the mad king to hear of it while he was still at the castle.

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