Planning to be a Spanner in the Works

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Solis rested on Percival's shoulder as he gazed at the duties he had written down to do today. It had been several days since Gervasius had left, almost an entire moon, but there were no more messages. Percival was worried, but he knew he could do nothing to find out more. He felt Solis shift, her claws digging into his shoulder tighter, and he looked up to see her staring out the window.

"What are you seeing, friend?" He stood and went to the window, where he could see a group in the distance approaching, "Is Gervasius returning at last?" Solis said nothing, opening her wings and taking flight. She flew to the group, possibly to investigate, a few other phoenixes leaving the castle to follow their leader. Percival frowned, as this usually didn't happen. Did they sense something was wrong? Gripping the frame of the stone window tightly, Percival knew that there could only be one thing to cause that that he knew of. Turning, he ran out of the room to find Paul and Tollin. He did not want to face a returning, grieving Gervasius alone.

Later, he was glad he did so. Paul and Tollin stood beside Percival as the front doors to the castle opened and in walked Gervasius at the front of his group. To Percival's surprise, Gervasius didn't look sad in the slightest or even angry. There was no emotion at all on the eldest king's face, though the priests behind him were shaking their heads with sadness. And in Gervasius' hands was a sword and sheath glittering with sapphires. He held it all in his hands carefully, as if the slightest wrong movement would break it. He stared at it blankly, then raised his head and spoke three devastating words to the kingdom of Scorxus.

"Ferdinand is dead."

Mikey and Bob had locked the room, though there were no windows to give them light, and nervously waited while Montresor kept watch, being the only one who could see in the dark.

"I believe Frank and Ray are returning with your friends!" spoke Montresor happily, "I can sense them!"

"What about Gervasius?" asked Mikey.

"Nothing. I cannot sense him to be near here at all. I wonder why." Montresor turned to his older version, "I assume he would have wanted to get rid of you as soon as possible, so why is he not?"

"He might be setting a trap." Bob suggested, "And in this darkness, we wouldn't have any idea about it before it hits us, which means we'll have to be extra careful."

"Allow me to allow them in." Montresor waved a glowing hand and there was a click as the security room's door was unlocked.

"...Is it just me, or are you getting FNAF vibes from this?" Mikey asked Bob, "The whole 'trying not to die in the security room' thing?"

"Not just you." the drummer agreed. There then came a knock to the door before it was opened and light washed into the room from Patrick's torch. All the men looked considerably white, like they had seen a ghost.

"You guys okay?" asked Ray as the group came inside.

"As fine as we can be." answered Mikey.

"Hello, I am Montresor." the ghost boy greeted FOB, who weren't sure whether to be scared or say hello back.

"He's one of the good guys." Frank told them, "Remember? We told you guys this earlier."

"Don't blame us for being a bit suspicious after all that's happened, will you?" Andy growled before they greeted the ghost.

"We saw a memory." Ray began, "Like how you saw Montresor get murdered, we saw Gervasius planning the downfall of his parents."

"Oh my." Montresor frowned, "I should have warned you about that."

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