There Are Some Things We Still Need To Learn

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"Hey." Mikey had woken up a while ago and pulled his brother to his side, allowing Frank to keep on sleeping with more comfort. Pete had just gotten up and, after quietly greeting the other bassist, took Mikey's free side. The fire had been dying before, but Pete grabbed a poker stick off to the side and moved the logs around, giving the fire new life.


"No prob." Pete gave a nod, "How is he?"

"Warmer, but still unconscious."

"I'm sure he'll be okay." Pete tried to answer the unasked question.

"Maybe..." Mikey didn't sound convinced. Pete sighed.

"What about you? How are you feeling?"

"Same as usual."

"I don't mean physically, Mikes. You're really scared, aren't you?"

"...Who wouldn't be?" he asked, "My brother's in danger, as well as the rest of us, and there's no way out."

"Things are gonna be okay." Pete put his hand on Mikey's arm, "We've survived life, I'm sure we can survive someone trying to kill us."

"Maybe, but that's not all that's on your mind, is it? I'm glad you're worried about me, but it just has to be that. Warped 2005 was a long time ago and we can't go back to that, no matter how much we want to. You're married now, with two sons and expecting another kid. You don't need me anymore."

"Maybe not, but that can't stop me from missing you. We still had great memories together and sometimes I wonder if we were doing the right thing by going our separate ways."

"I suppose." Mikey gave a mischievous smile, "Thanks for the Memories." Pete grinned and gave him a small punch to the arm, trying not to jostle Gerard.

"Dude, don't quote my songs like that."

"Sorry." They were still smiling as they looked up at the hearth above the fireplace. Things were quiet as the sun began to rise until Pete suddenly stood up and moved to the stone wall to the right of the fireplace.

"Hey, do you see this?"

"I see a wall, yes." Mikey quipped.

"That's not what I meant. There's a pattern in the wall, I can see it." Pete looked back at him, "You really don't see it?" Mikey frowned at his friend.

"You sure you're not going crazy?" he asked.

"Pretty sure." Pete turned back to the wall, running his hands against the stones, "I just get the feeling there's something major behind all this, like a secret passage or something."

"I just hope we're not losing you..." Mikey muttered under his breath, quiet enough where the FOB bassist couldn't hear. But suddenly Mikey was being thrown on his back and his grip on Gerard was ripped off as the singer got up and ran. Mikey and Pete ran after him, wondering what the hell Gerard was doing, but both of them realized quickly that the singer was overcome with fear.

"Does he think we're Gervasius or something?" Pete shouted to Mikey.

"Maybe! Right now, let's just calm him down!"

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" Gerard screamed at them from down the hall, "I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU MADE ME DO, BUT LEAVE ME ALONE!"

"Gerard!" Mikey shouted, "It's okay!"

"BASTARD!" It looked like the older Way wasn't going to listen, but the two could tell they were closing the distance. Gerard was getting slower, almost stumbling when they finally caught up to him. They were just about to tackle him when he turned a corner and they came to a dead end. At least, it seemed that way with the five crumbling balconies. Gerard slowed to a stop, panting extensively as he turned to see them. His eyes were wide and the pupils dilated, large and wide as if he was high or something.

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