Dead On Arrival where we discuss The Pros And Cons Of Breathing with The...

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This is an Epilogue that mainly finishes up a few things, but not all, especially since it's part of a  series. Gotta keep people interested, y'know?


The next morning, their phones were working again and they had to answer various calls from their friends, family, and even managers. Everyone had been so worried about them and hadn't known where they'd gone, even though the bands had told them they were going to Four Corners. It was strange at the very least.

"Where have you been?!" Lyn-Z was pissed at Gerard, he knew for sure, but he guessed she wasn't cussing him out right now because Bandit might be in the room somewhere.

"I'm sorry I haven't called. We all got stuck in this weird place for a week, but we're safe. Fall Out Boy's with us too, if you want to call them and make sure."

"I'm sure you're really gonna get it when you get home!" Gerard winced.

"Look, if you want, we can cancel the tour as it is and head back. We haven't missed anything, but Fall Out Boy's a week behind thanks to us." Now that he thought about it, he felt bad and selfish that FOB had come to help. MCR had taken them away from their tour for no good reason except to nearly get killed, and that wasn't fair at all.

"No." Lyn-Z's response was immediate, "You have fans who have been waiting to see you for a while, you can't just back out on them after going missing for a week. It wouldn't be fair to them."


"Here, if I can't convince you, Bandit will. Sweetie?" There was some shuffling until the almost-9-year-old was put on the line, "Daddy?"

"Hey, B." Gerard was instantly smiling when he heard her voice, which at times he thought he would never hear again, "How's it going at home?"

"Good, but I miss you."

"I know, sweetie, I'm planning on heading home soon."

"Don't do that!" Bandit argued, "Mommy says that you wouldn't be making all your fans happy if you did!"

"But I left you guys in the dark for a week already. I don't want to be apart from you any longer."

"We missed you, Daddy, but a lot of other people will miss you a lot more than us. We'll be fine." Gerard thought over his daughter's words for a second.

"...Alright. We'll go on with the tour, but only if your uncles want to."

"Yay! Thanks, Daddy!" Gerard smiled.

"You're welcome, Lady B. Can I talk to Mommy again real quick?"

"Sure!" There was some more shuffling and then Lyn-Z was talking again, "So, she convinced you?"

"Yeah, thanks to you." Gerard dropped his smile, "Lins, I really do want to head home, though. This week was supposed to be a vacation, but a lot of things happened." he ran a hand through his red hair, "Really bad things."

"Like what?" she asked, now curious.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"Try me."

"Well, we got trapped in this old castle/hotel for a week because there was a murderous ghost in here who wanted us all dead."

"...Huh. Not as weird as some other things you've told me, but I can believe it." she said quietly, "And you finally escaped?"

"Yeah." Gerard took a shuddering breath, trying to block out the memories that threatened to invade his mind, "But, now that I think about it, maybe I shouldn't go home. I don't want you and Bandit to see me like this. I'm gonna be having nightmares for I don't know how long and I might just chase you guys away from me. I don't wanna do that to you or Bandit, so maybe you're right. Not only should we go on for the fans, but maybe the tour will help me get over this."

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