You're The One That I Need, I'm The One That You Loathe

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Gervasius gave a sigh as he closed the door behind him. It had taken a while to get Frank to go to sleep, but he had finally managed it. He covered his mouth with his hand as he tried to yawn. He knew he was tired, but he still had work to do. First, he went to the library and looked up. He could practically feel Solis glaring down at him, daring him to try something. He wondered why she hadn't done anything earlier but guessed it was because of Frank for some reason. She had always seemed a bit weird to him. Keeping an eye above, Gervasius went to pick up Percival in his arms and that's when Solis screeched. She came down on him like a fireball of fury, but Gervasius was prepared. He knew she would take no more chances after the first stunt he had pulled against the shorter, younger man, so he whipped out his dagger and stabbed her in the wing.

She fell to the floor, squawking painfully as her fire went out, and tried to fly again, but couldn't with her damaged wing. Gervasius had meant to hit her in the chest, neck, or head and kill her, but without her wing, she was just as helpless. He gave the phoenix a vicious kick and a nasty smile before he continued on. After picking up Percival, he headed to the basement and to the Devil's Chamber, careful to avoid the pendulum step-stone. Once inside the still lit room (though it wouldn't be lit for much longer, the candles being almost out of wax), he went over to the Iron Maiden and dragged Patrick's body with him.

"No more chances this time." Gervasius murmured to himself before forcefully stuffing Percival into the coffin and slamming it shut. Because the spikes were so old, he supposed some of them would have broken off at the impact and not killed the other man. However, as he fastened the latch on the side, the mad king knew there was no way anyone would be able to find Percival in the darkness until it was too late. Besides, Percival was too weak to manipulate the latch, so he would surely die. Giving a loving pat to the Iron Maiden as if it were his pet, Gervasius left and headed to the kitchen. He hadn't minded as a ghost when they put new things in, but now he hated it, as he had to use a lot of strength and energy to push the broken freezer aside to get to the ground underneath. His fingers searched the floor until they touched the edges of a block that was higher then the rest, allowing Gervasius to grip it and pull it out. Underneath was a ladder that led to his wine cellar, which is where he went next.

Taking out of his pocket the lighter he had stolen off of Pete (getting revenge on Percival would hurt the Paul lookalike once again, which was what Gervasius was aiming for), he lit a torch nearby and gazed at the rows of bottles. The room was still untouched, even after so long, and for that he was grateful. This was his last hiding place (even more than the Devil's Chamber) and he had been angry when the living people had invaded his personal spaces, so he had taught them a lesson to show them that they shouldn't meddle where they're not allowed. He knew that some of them were probably not good anymore, the blood he had mixed with them having congealed, but most he knew were just fine. He grabbed a bottle of Cabernet Severny and lugged it with him as he went back upstairs, grabbing two glasses on the way out of the kitchen. He then carried it with him as he went to the Hall of History and grabbed Ferdinand's crown, as well as his, then headed back to Ferdinand's room. He put down the items on one of Ferdinand's reading tables and gazed over at Frank. He watched as the guitarist breathed evenly in his sleep and looked so calm and content, which was very different from how frustrated and scared he looked earlier. The curl of his hair fell over his face in a way that made Gervasius think it was cute without a doubt, but the king was still troubled.

"Why don't you remember me?" Gervasius moved closer, using one of Gerard's hands to rake through Frank's hair, "I fixed your hair, I took you away from those bastards, I brought you back to your room, but you still don't remember. You're so close, yet so far at the same time. I'm sure that once you remember, you'll realize who the good guys are and you'll join me." Gervasius then began to sing softly, "This is gospel for the fallen ones, locked away in permanent slumber. Assembling their philosophies from pieces of broken memories..."

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