I Sing The Blues And Swallow Them Too

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"...I had always wondered why the allegations that Angelicus was in love with another man came out at that time, but I had never realized-"Percival cut himself off and laid the scroll on the table, keeping one hand on Solis. Running his hands through her feathers had always been calming, even now, and he didn't want to get angry in front of his new friends.

"I knew." Montresor said, "I always followed my brother around during those times while he was in the castle and I have seen him do very veryhorrible things to others. Angelicus was not his only victim, not at all."

"Paul and I, we were completely blind to all of this until it was too late. We had suspected but we had no proof until we discovered the Devil's Chamber, and even then we had hoped it wasn't our friend. At least, we thought he was our friend."

"He had many fooled and those that knew were too frightened of him to do anything. You saw how scared Angelicus was of him. He was a menace when he was alive and still is one now."

"At least we now know of how Gervasius knew of the affair." Mikey sighed.

"What affair?" asked Pete, he and the ghosts giving the others confused looks.

"Wait, you guys had no idea?" Ray questioned, surprised.

"Well, I was not in the room at the time this had happened, so I do not quite know what you mean." Montresor confessed.

"Erik was Ferdinand's son and Gervasius killed Jiera to get to the kid." Frank explained, feeling bitter about the events and angry at Gervasius, "We saw a memory in the torture room all about it."

"I knew he had been lying when he said the child belonged to him." Percival spoke, nodding to himself, "But to steal Ferdinand's child for himself? I do not think I can understand that."

"Gervasius loved Ferdinand, so he wouldn't get rid of his last living connection to his lover." Bob explained, "But what happened to Erik?"

"Gervasius took the child in, saying that the boy had been adopted by him." Montresor said, "Percival, Paul, and I believed him as far as we could throw him, I believe the saying is, but we did help raise him."

"Yes." Percival nodded, "And after I had killed Gervasius, I took the boy in. I assume he then went to Paul once I died." Percival looked to Montresor, "And what you said, did Paul truly do that? Did he disband our kingdoms and leave us in ruin?"

"Unfortunately. He also left Erik behind."

"But why? He stayed strong through the deaths of Ferdinand and Gervasius, so why did he fall apart for me?"

"...I did not believe you to be dense, Percival, but now I see I was wrong." Montresor facepalmed.

"I do not understand what you mean by that."

"Dude, he was in love with you." Pete said, "Is it really that hard to understand?" Patrick's face blushed at the words as Percival ducked the man's head.

"A-ah, I- I-" Percival gave an embarrassed whimper, where Pete rolled his eyes and hugged the poor king, taking care to avoid the devil bird that had nearly burned his hands off (a.k.a. Solis). The phoenix huffed and got out of the way, hopping back onto the table. She took the scroll in her beak and hopped over to Joe, giving the paper back to him.

"Thanks." He then opened the scroll to check for another message and found one, different from the first. He gestured for the others to come over as he read the words aloud.

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