Woke Up on the Wrong Side of Paradise

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Slowly, Gerard's eyes flickered open and he found himself in the kitchen alone. He knew this felt wrong somehow, but his mind was still tired and trying to catch up to the situation at hand.

"Guys?" he asked quietly, turning his head to look around, "Mikey? Frank? ...Anyone?" He felt pricks of fear crawl up his spine as he realized he really was alone, and then he remembered why it was a bad idea to be alone. The fear intensified immensely and Gerard gripped the table's edge with white knuckles. He jumped when he suddenly heard a few thumps and shot his head around to find the sound. His eyes landed on a walk-in freezer, off to the side of the three fridges that no one had bothered to notice because it wasn't important at the time. Gerard stared as another thump came from its direction and wondered if he should go over and investigate. It might be a trap, but if someone had managed to trap a ghost in there, then that would be one less creature/man to deal with.

Slowly, Gerard stood up and took hesitant steps toward the freezer. He jumped and stepped back slightly when there was another thump, but once things had settled down, he went closer. There was a small window at the height of his eyes set into the freezer with a sliding cover and once he was close enough, Gerard swiftly pulled it back. His eyes widened when he saw different colored ones looking back at him, just as fearful. He knewthose eyes, they belonged to-

"I would not do that if I were you." The window was slid closed again and Gerard jerked back, spinning around to see Gervasius behind him. With a yelp, the MCR singer backed into the freezer door, frightened. There was another large thump behind him from who was in the freezer, like they were trying to tell him to run or to move. Gerard was really scared that if he did, though, he would be possessed again.

"W-what do you want now?" Gerard stammered, "Who are you trying to hurt?"

"Just Percival. I want to watch him freeze to death, just like how he burned my body once I was dead, as if he was sure I would come back to life if he did not!" Gervasius snickered, "But I do need to use you."

"No!" Gerard shook his head, "I'm not letting you do it again!"

"Then why do you only stand there?" Gerard was about to agree with him (why the hell was he still standing here? He should be running!) when something about Gervasius' face caught his eye. Though the ghost had a smile on his face, the edges of his smile were twitching, as if he didn't want to be smiling.

"Something's wrong." Gerard gathered his courage, "Something's wrong and you know it, but you're trying to hide it." Gervasius let his smile drop.

"Perhaps." the mad king held up his hand, his fingers together as if to snap, "However, it is not something you should be concerned with." Gerard wanted to stop him from what he was about to do, but as the singer moved forward, the ghost snapped his fingers. Instantly everything changed, with flames everywhere and appliances turned into monsters.

"Have fun!" Gervasius waved before disappearing. Gerard knew that this was just an illusion, but he couldn't help ducking when he saw plates with bat wings divebombing him. He turned around, planning to help the man stuck in the freezer, but then saw the freezer open with a very toothy mouth, ready to eat him. Gerard yelped and bolted, covering his head as more plates and even utensils followed him out and tried to hit his head. It may have just been an illusion, but it was a very good one!

"There you are!" Pete picked up the sword and slid it into the sheath. It had taken a while (as well as a few wrong turns) to get to the library, but he had managed and now had the sword with him. Gervasius now couldn't use it, but as he looked up, Pete wondered if he should dispose of the Poison List as well. He didn't want things like Harbinger and such slipping into their food or something, but how was he supposed to get rid of the ones past the trick shelf? Shaking his head, he knew there was no way to reach them at this moment, so after he put on the sheath (this was so he could have more room in his arms), he began grabbing the bottles and throwing them into the still-lit fireplace. As they smashed against the stone, some burned quietly while others gave small explosions. The powder was either burned or flew up the chimney with the smoke, Pete could see this and he was glad that they wouldn't have to deal with any stray powder floating in the air like dust when he and the bands returned.

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