Move Your Body When The Sunlight Dies

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Gerard was sitting against the wall, arms crossed above his knees, which were against his chest. He was more scared than he had shown or told the others, because not even Mikey seemed to notice how fearful he was. Outside, he looked nervous and jumpy, but on the inside, he was worrying himself to death. There was a ghost around that could possess him and that wanted to kill his friends. He also had no way to defend himself from the demon that called itself Gervasius (Gerard refused to acknowledge the homicidal maniac as a person), which made things all the more worse. Maybe, when his friends came to check on him, he would ask if they could find holy items that would help keep Gervasius away. It would also keep Montresor away, but Gerard saw no problem in keeping himself ghost free, especially if it saved the lives of his friends. Suddenly, the light bulb flickered above him and the cell went cold, causing him to shiver. He wasn't just shaking from the cold, though, because the only reason it would have suddenly dropped so quickly was because a ghost had entered the room. Eyes wide, he glanced around quickly, trying to spot any sign of it, see if it was Gervasius or another ghost (he didn't think it was Montresor because the ghost boy would have revealed himself).

"Why do you fight me?" came a murmur to his ear. Gerard shot away from the whisper and scrambled backward, struggling with the handcuffs around his wrists. The voice had sounded way too much like his own and he hated it. But that also confirmed one thing: Gervasius was here. The hidden ghost gave a small chuckle at his fright before revealing himself. The sunlight caught on his clothes easily, the dark and light fighting for control of Gerard's eyes.

Gervasius certainly had Gee's face, but he had glowing red eyes instead, as seen times before, and wore the outfit he had probably died in. Around him was a black robe on the outside, but had a white inside with red splotches at the ends, possibly blood that had caught in it and dried. It was split into three parts, open at the front and on the sides, with a golden tassel on the shoulders circling around (and was that a Misfits symbol in gold on the shoulder?), a dark gray fuzz around the neck, and gold trimmings on the shoulders to the neck and collar. Underneath was a frilly dress shirt of white covered by a black vest very reminiscent of the Black Parade jackets. Covering the wrists were silver metal braces engraved with spiders and dotted with blood specks. Over the vest was a red sash that wrapped from Gervasius' bottom left of his chest to top right and also wrapped around like a belt on his waist. He had black pants that seemed silky and tucked into his black boots with blue trimmings. There were two things missing, however, from the outfit: the sword/sheath and crown.

"I hope you will cooperate with me, because I have much to do and the Underground does not like working with me." The smile that had been on Gervasius' face when he laughed was now gone and he glared at Gerard.

"No fucking way! I'm not going to hurt my friends and you can't control me. You're weak down here, you can't do much!" Gerard didn't feel as brave as his words suggested, but he tried his best.

"Oh really?" Gervasius held up a hand and Gerard half expected something to appear in it, but nothing did, "I can do so much more than you realize, more than even Monty does. He may have been a ghost longer, but I have more control over my powers, which makes me stronger. They can do all they want to keep me away, but they cannot do it forever." Gervasius pointed at the singer, "Not only do we look alike, you and I have a special connection that I can sense. So does your own brother to Montresor and your friend to Ferdinand. In fact, I believe you may be reincarnations of us. That is also why I must get rid of your brother. He will be such a problem with what is to come."

"You stay away from him!" Gerard stood up, fully ready to defend Mikey, no matter the cost.

"I am not going to be the one to harm him." Gervasius gave a small grin, "You are." Before Gerard could do anything, Gervasius quickly stepped forward and, though there was a big struggle, he had a hold on Gerard's body. The image of his face briefly flickered over the singer's before it went away, leaving Gerard's eyes glowing the same red as Gervasius'. The ghost-possessed man grinned, unlocking the cuffs with a flick of his hand (though his powers were weakened, he could still do simple things such as that) and letting them drop before going to the door, raising a leg up and kicking out. Usually the door would have held, but Gervasius had loosened the hinges, allowing the door to go down after a few more kicks. The man flinched, twitching briefly as he closed his eyes, but soon enough he was calm again.

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