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"I just don't understand!" Jisoo busied herself with her hair. "Why would Jennie leave that kind of note?"

There had been several clues found following Jennie's disappearance.

First; a note. With the words 'You know why I'm gone.'

Jisoo could've sworn it wasn't her handwriting, but someone trying to forge it. Chaeyoung pointed out that Jennie could've messed up her handwriting on purpose, but the question was why?

"Lord knows Jisoo. How could we know why she died? All I want to know right now is who?"

"We can't say she's dead...I-I don't believe it. Something definitely went down that night. Why else did she scream?"

"Are you sure she screamed?"

"I'm not goddamn deaf Chaeyoung!"

"I know but..." She sighed. This argument between them definitely wasn't the first.

It had happened hundreds of times by now, and Chaeyoung was getting tired.

"Sorry." She apologized. "It's hard, just not knowing anything about that night. I just wish if we'd known she'd leave we could've done something..."

"That's something I wish too. But we can't change the past. They haven't found a body, I don't believe she's dead. You know Jen, she's always tangled in something shady. I hope—" She trailed off, the two turned at the sound of two girls entering the bathroom.

Wendy and Joy.

Jisoo cleared her throat, muttering something to Chaeyoung lowly, then making an exit.

Wendy watched them leave, before glancing at Joy.

"Is that how it always is?"

"How is what?"

"That." She pointed to the door which the two had just left through. "Are they always like that?"

"They're the Queens. That's how it always is." Joy shrugged, applying a coat of lipstick on her lips. She pursed them. "They're nice though. Some people say they're bitches, but these three; Jisoo, Lisa, and Chaeyoung...they aren't that bad."

Wendy bit her lip. "Okay."

"But their old friend, I'm pretty sure she died. Her name was Jennie. She was the worst of them all, ruthless sometimes. They didn't call her the Bitch in Charge for nothing."

"She was really pretty though. I don't know if you met him, but her boyfriend, or is it ex boyfriend? I don't know, his name is Taehyung though. They were like the cutest couple on Earth."

"Taehyung?" The name sounded familiar to Wendy.

Oh. That's when it hit her.

"There's this guy I've liked since we were little," Irene mumbled, propping herself up on her elbows.

They laid on Wendy's bed in her lodge, Wendy busy with checking her notifications. She had popped the question about any boys to Irene, surprised to actually hear the girl had a crush.

"Woah, really? Is this one of the rom-coms you like to watch on Netflix?" She teased, pulling the hair tie loose from her braid.

Irene laughed, but shook her head. "I mean he is really nice, but he's dating this girl. H-His name is Taehyung, by the way. And I was sad to find out that he liked her..."

"Did he tell you he liked her?"

"No. He doesn't really tell anyone anything. He's pretty closed off about his feelings, but I guess he's a little more open with me because I've known for such a long time?"

Irene sighed. "Anyways, his girlfriend went missing at the end of the year. I think he really liked her because he refused to talk about it. He wouldn't really talk to anyone about it."

Wendy shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts.
"Taehyung, you said?"

Joy nodded, fixing her high ponytail. "Yes, why?"

"Oh, nothing." Wendy reassured. "Thought the name sounded familiar I guess."

"Okay." Sooyoung pulled her eyes away from her reflection. "Shall we go?"


"Maybe this one." Lisa pointed to a pair of shoes. "Do you think he'll like those?"

Jungkook shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe?"

"Aish, Jungkook." She whined. "Don't you know your brother at all?"

"I mean, I know his favorite color is orange, and that he doesn't like our parents."

She shook her head in disappointment, shutting the laptop. "We'll worry about this later. When you get time, try and figure out? His birthday is coming up and I want you to get him something. For a family that's already so distant, you two shouldn't be so far apart, even though you're on the same side."

"Hm, okay." He obliged, stealing two chaste kisses from her. Lisa cracked a smile, before getting up from the couch.

"I always wonder, what do you use for your hair?" She ruffled his dark roots. "It's so soft."

He laughed. "I don't know, just the usual?"

"You're impossible. You don't want to tell me!" She pouted, smacking the side of his shoulder, not too painfully, then stepping away.

"Yah!" He was still grinning. "Okay, maybe not. It's a Jeon secret."

"The worst, I tell you. Jungkook, you are the absolute worst." She turned away from him, picking up her phone from the counter.

She dropped it back onto the glass table suddenly, the loud noise causing him to look at her worriedly.

"Everything good?"

She gave him no response, except shaky breathing. Lisa sunk to the floor, tucking her knees in.

Ever since the accident, Lisa was left as what her doctor called "traumatized." She saw repetitions of events that occurred around the car accident, leaving her brain scarred mentally.

Right now all she saw was Jennie laughing, Jennie holding a red cup filled with champagne.

She couldn't hear Jungkook, she couldn't see him. All she saw was Jennie, and that car.

The car that hit her.

It all happened randomly, Lisa could never control it. Every time she felt the uneasiness wash over, she panicked.

Each mirage, she felt like she was going to die. It's like she could feel the pain magnified each time, she could see the car drive away.

"Drink up."

She gasped, eyes wide. Jungkook was right in front of her.

He didn't say anything, no "are you okay?" because that was the stupidest thing anyone could.

No one saw it on the outside, but every single one of them weren't the same ever since last year.

It wouldn't change. Not even if Jennie came back, not even if Hoseok came back.

They were all traumatized, in there own ways.

Just like how it was supposed to be.

Looks like dead girl still has people wrapped around her finger!

a/n: i might post a taennie ff soon.

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