Hani's Happily Ever After

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Her name was Ahn Hani.

And she was finally living the normal life of any college student. There were no worries about people dying, peculiar text messages at odd times of the day, she didn't constantly have to look behind her back at strange hours in the night.

She didn't have to do shady errands anymore.

"You're going to love college once you graduate Joon. I am telling you, not having to live in that house is probably the best decision I have ever made."

"You're making me jealous." He whined, picking at his fries. "I want to graduate so badly."

"I was in your exact situation last year. Don't worry, once you're done applying, the rest of the year is an absolute breeze. And besides," She shot him a teasing smile.

"maybe we could actually go to those college parties now without worrying about being kicked out."

"Those were good times."

"I have mixed feelings about those times." Hani pursed her lips. "You know what I mean."

"That's behind us now. That bastard deserved to die anyways."

"Careful about what you say aloud." She whispered. "You don't know who could hear."

"It's the freaking diner, Hani. And we are like the only ones here." He turned. "Oh, besides Dahyun."

"Have you spoken to her at all?"

"No." Namjoon noticed his classmate's slumped shoulders and slightly frayed brown hair. "But, she doesn't look okay. Want me to go ask?"

"I'll come with you. Girls are easier to talk to."

"I'll have you know I am very good at listening."

"Yes, I'm well aware." She kissed his cheek. "But Dahyun doesn't know that. Come on."

Namjoon followed Hani to the table in the far corner of the room. Dahyun looked up almost immediately at hearing Hani's boots clicking against the floor.

"Hey Dahyun." Namjoon chimed. "Mind if we sit?"

"N-No...of course not." She watched the couple sit across from her, before readjusting her hair. "Is there something I can help you with?"

"No. We were just wondering if you were okay." Hani asked. "You haven't really been yourself."


"You're not flirting with Taehyung."

Namjoon's lame attempt at a joke succeeded, for Dahyun cracked a smile.

"Okay, well Taehyung has a girlfriend. Or had."

"You don't believe she's dead?"

"No! Of course not. She's Jennie Kim, who knows what she has up her sleeves." Dahyun shrugged. "But—don't worry about me. I'm perfectly alright."

Hani frowned. "Are you sure? You can talk to us if you need anything. I know it's not—"

"Don't bring her into this. I-I don't want to talk about her."

"Oh. Sorry." Hani awkwardly mumbled. The brunette bit her lip.

"Sorry, I'm coping, but I'm not fully over her death. It's hard."

"Yes we get it. I can't say I understand how you feel, but I get it. Of course it'll take some time. But like, you can still talk to us. We're good listeners believe it or not."

Hani nodded. Dahyun smiled small, before clearing her throat.

"Any word from Hoseok?"

"No, unfortunately."

"That's a shame. He really had it going on here." Dahyun glanced at her phone. Her eyes skimmed over the room hastily, before getting up.

"I—have to...be somewhere. Sorry for cutting our conversation short, I don't mean to be rude."

"Oh don't worry." Hani chimed, resting her elbows on the marble top, cupping her chin with her manicured hands. "We won't keep you waiting."

"Thanks. See you Hani." She nodded at him.

"Later Namjoon."

"Bye." The couple spoke in unison, watching her leave. Hani grinned at Namjoon.

"Well, I don't know about you, but they have this smoothie called 'Old Waterside'. Apparently it was one of the first smoothies sold in the diner. They had taken it out, but the Waterside Festival is coming up soon so I'm assuming that's why they brought it back."

"Not to mention it's the fiftieth anniversary of Waterside Hill. Fifty years of keeping secrets, and many more to come." She joked, waving over a waitress.

Namjoon's phone buzzed, he sighed.

Careful what you say. Sweet little Ahn is right, fifty years of keeping secrets and definitely many more to continue.

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