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                                                             "̶L̷i̶f̴e̴ ̶i̵s̷ ̷H̷a̶r̵d̶.̴ ̴A̴f̷t̷e̷r̷ ̶a̷l̵l̷,̴ ̷I̷t̵ ̸k̷i̶l̴l̸s̴ ̸y̵o̴u̴.̴"̸ ̵                                                                                                                                           -Katherine Hepburn

               I wake up in cold sweat and panting heavily trying to ease my breathing. That dream, I look around my room and get startled by my alarm clock. I smack the snooze button as I sit up rubbing my eyes.

"Todays the day..." I smile to myself as I tried shaking away that dream.  

"My Corazon!" My grandmother screeches startling me. She came into my room holding a small cupcake. My grandmother was a wonderful lady, despite her age she was very active and full of joy. 

"Aww Grandma, You didn't have too," I say taking the cupcake as she lit the tiny candle.

"Of course we have too!" She gulped holding back tears. "My little girl is graduating!" I blew out the candle and embraced her in a tight hug.

"I wish mom was here." I sighed wiping some tears I shed myself. 

"Ay Mija, Your mom would be very proud. You are the first in our family to achieve something like this." She took my face in her hands and wiped my tears."Come now, Let's get you some breakfast!"

             After breakfast, I got dressed. My grandma helped fix my graduation gown as I looked at myself in the mirror. I was sad, but also happy.  We walked over to the school, it was like 3 blocks, where Miguel was waiting for me at the entrance. We both wore our bright blue cap and gown as he approached me with open arms.

"Mikey!" I smiled as he picked me up giving me a bear hug

"Sam!" He chuckled picking me up and hugging me. "My love! Finally graduating this dump!"

"I'll leave you two lovebirds, Miguel where is your mom?" My grandmother asked.

"Right inside, You can't miss her." He smiled giving her a quick hug and turned back to me."Come, The gang is over here!" I followed Mikey to the back of the auditorium where I spotted our little group of friends. Lilliana, Danielle, and Jerry. 

"Look who I found!" Mikey smiled placing his arm around me. 

"Hey, Sammy!" Jerry sighed blowing out smoke. "Ready for the trip tomorrow? Or you still packing like these two white girls over here." he chuckled turning to Lilly and Danielle. 

"Rude." Danielle sighed rolling her eyes. Danielle and I weren't ever the best of friends, her personality was too strong and she always made me feel inferior when I was around her. In short she was the queen bee. In fact I don't recall ever being friends with her. When I met Mikey, I met Danielle, Lilly and Jerry.

"I'm packed," I replied. "Although pretty sad that I'm leaving grandma for a while."

"I'm sure she'll be fine." Mikey assured. "besides, we earned this vacation." 

"I booked the perfect place!" Jerry added. "Tampico Hotel Resort! Beds, Beaches and Bitches!" Mikey gave him a playful punch. "Don't worry Sam, I'll take care of him." Jerry joked giving me a wink.

"I just wanna get some fresh air and relax!' Danielle smiled placing her cap. "and also a tan. Nothing says vacation like coming back Sunkist!" 

"Or sunburnt." Lilliana chuckled."But anyway, Jerry's dad is letting him borrow his SUV so we can drive down to Mexico in style!" 

"Sweet!" I smirked as we began lining up and making our way to the auditorium seats. 

"Yeah 'Borrow'..." Jerry winked."He's not gonna be around. My mom and him went out soooo I'm taking the Navigator!" The principal took the Mic and began talking. Basically how hes proud and blah blah blah. Jerry sat to my left and was crunching on something. He was eating chips from under his robe.

"Want one?" He whispered. I chuckled and rolled my eyes. We finally got around to getting our diplomas.

"Miguel Torres, Lilliana parra, Danielle Rivera, Samantha Cortez, Jerry-" all the student chanted Jerrys name while he received his diploma. Jerry was popular among everybody for just being himself. He chilled with everyone. Jerry got his diploma and board in front of everyone.

"I did it!" Jerry chanted walking."I-" Jerry toppled over Mikey falling down the four steps. "Ugh fuck..." They both groaned. "I did it..."

"You sure did..." Mikey groaned pushing him off. I helped Mikey up and cleaned him off.

"Mija!" My grandmother hurried over handing me a balloon. She hugged me tight again and patted my back. "Im so proud mi Corazon!" Mikey hugged me tight and gently lifted my head and met his lips with mine. Danielle approached but soon stepped back walking away. The truth was, Danielle and Mikey used to go out. Queen bee and the Number one soccer player. But now Mikey was with me. I knew deep down Danielle hated me and she only tolerated me to still be close to Mikey. They were friends. We broke the kiss as I blushed as he pulled something from his pocket.

"Mikey..." I said in awe as he dangled a gold necklace with a locket. "Is that-"

"Yep." He smiled turning me and putting it around my neck. I held the locket and opened it seeing a picture of us. "I love you Sammy."

"I-I love you too." I blushed giving him a peck on his lips. I glanced over at Danielle who was standing next to Lilly. They were talking amongst each other, Danielle looked upset.

"I hate her..." Danielle gulped holding back tears.

"Its okay, you guys broke up Dani." Lilly sighed rubbing danielles back in comfort.

"He LOVED me!" She choked."His mom loved me. That locket should be for me!"

"Well what can you do?" Lilly sighed."Just let it go dude. Think about the vacation tomorrow!"

"Yeah..." Danielle smirked."The vacation. I'm gonna have him back. One way or another." She watched as Mikey caressed Sam. She wiped her tears and put on a fake smile and approached them."Hey!"

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