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          "Sam!" I heard in the distance until I finally gasped awake. "Sam! Talk to me!" I turned to Mikey, he was wet and muddy.

"Wh-what am I doing here?" I gulped, heavily confused seeing I was sitting in the driver side of the navigator.

"Lets get you inside." Mikey coughed carrying me out into the rain and finally inside.

"Woah Mikey you okay?!" I heard Danielle say as Mikey set me on the couch. I was shivering cold and I was so confused. I don't remember falling asleep...or getting into the car.

"I'll go get blankets." Mikey said running upstairs. Danielle sat on a chair next to me.

"God, your such a child." Danielle sighed. "Having to be taken Care of ALL the time."

"S-shut the f-fuck up. For O-Once." I shivered hugging myself. Mikey came back and covered me in three warm blankets.

"What were you doing outside?" Mikey asked.

"I-I don't know." I sniffed as Lilly cleaned the multiple cuts on my hand. "I-I had trouble sleeping."

"Oh love." Mikey sighed caressing my face. "You probably sleepwalked."

"Yeah..." I sighed.

"Breakfast is ready." Danielle called out. "Mikey, you should go up and get out of those wet clothes. Before you catch a cold." He nodded and went upstairs while I laid back on the couch. Cold and confused.

         Mikey got out of the shower as Jerry was out in the balcony smoking.

"How's Sam?" Jerry smoked coming back inside.

"Cold. She was outside in the car." He sighed looking for a shirt. Danielle came up and hid behind the third floor door.

"How? I have the keys." Jerry coughed. "Weird."

"I know." Mikey said throwing on a shirt. "Its raining. Jerry maybe we should cut the trip short."

"Aw come on man." Jerry said upset. "Just a couple more days. This week is all we got before we go our separate ways."

"But Sam-"

"Ill ask Lilly to make her some tea and she'll be okay."

"Yeah." Danielle came out and joined in. "Ill make that tea. Jerry, breakfast is ready." Danielle motioned with her eyes for him to leave.

"Yeah... See you down stairs." Jerry said and hurried down for food.

"Thanks Danielle." Mikey coughed looking for another jacket.

"Mikey..." Danielle gulped sitting on the rocking chair. "Can we talk?"


"That...kiss at the lake." She said."Why-"

"Not talking about that." Mikey snapped heading out.

"Oh come on!" Danielle snapped back standing in his way. "Why are you kidding yourself? You kissed me because you still love me!" She grabbed his neck and pulled him into a kiss.

"Knock it off!" Mikey snapped pushing her back into the bed. "I kissed you Because I thought you were SAM!" He spat, his face angry with fury. "I wouldn't have happened if I thought it was you."


"Enough!" Mikey gulped. "I love Sam. That's why I'm marrying her."

"You gave her that ring." Danielle gulped beginning to tear up. "No! That should have been for me!" She sprung up and tried to hug him. He stopped her and stepped back. "Mikey! You love me!"

"You don't waste a diamond on a hoe." He said and pushed her back before heading down stairs. Danielle's face was shocked as tears streamed down her face.

"No!" Danielle cried grabbing a pillow and ripping it. 

         As we ate breakfast I noticed something seemed to be bothering Mikey. Lilly and Jerry were also not very talkative around each other.

"So..." I spoke breaking this awkward silence. "Since its raining wanna play some board games? Or cards?"

"That would be fun." Lilly smiled.

"Sure." Jerry chewed. "I brought Monopoly, Life, uh-" A loud thundering sounded outside as the light flickered.

"I like monopoly." Lilly giggled.

"Monopoly it is." Jerry smiled.

            Hours went by and the game didn't seem like it would end.

"Can someone win already." Mikey sighed rolling the dice.

"Well go broke!" Jerry replied.

"Why should I?" Mikey chewed biting into some jerky. "I own park place AND Boardwalk!"

"Guys! Come on..." I groaned rolling my turn. When I remembered something. "Babe? Will you take me out to the town to call grandma?"

"Ill take you Right now." Mikey sighed throwing in his cards. Jerry tossed him the keys as He helped me to my feet. "We'll be back in a few."I got in the passenger side while he started up the car and pulled back.

"Wow." I said letting out a sigh of relief.

"What?" He drove.

"I just feel different." I smiled feeling the air a bit different. As he drove down the path out to the town we noticed up ahead a river. "Looks like the rain made a river. How will we get into town?"

"I think theres another way." He said putting the car in reverse. He drove out for a bit until he found a trail that was clear to drive through.

"Hey that looks like Fransisco's van." I pointed out ahead. The van was parked to the side and the drivers side door was open."Maybe Fransisco came to visit?" Mikey pulled over as we both got out to check on the car.

"Yo Fransisco!" Mikey called out as we walked towards the van in the rain. I went to the drivers side and looked inside. "Is he there?"

"No." I replied looking all the way inside. Nobody inside but a cellphone on the passenger side seat. "His phone is here."

"Weird." Mikey shrugged beginning to walk around the van. "Welp...let's get going before it gets dark." I nodded and began heading back to the car when I tripped. "You okay?"

"Yeah..." I got up from the wet ground and noticed my jeans had a red stain.

"Woah Sam!" Mikey caught sight of it. "Your arm still bleeding?"

"N-no it must've been from the ground." I looked on the ground and sure enough there was blood coming from somewhere else. I followed the tiny stream up to a large tree.

"S-Sam get in the car..." Mikey gulped. I kept on walking toward it and I knew I should've listened. I looked behind the tree and instantly turned away in horror.

"Wh-what the fuck!" I screamed looking back at Fransisco's messed up bloody face. He had deep slashes across his face making almost hard to recognize him at first.

"Sam!" Mikey grabbed hold of me and pushed me into the car. I couldn't stop crying from pure horror. "Lets get back to the cabin!"

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