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            "I'm telling you, someone fucking grabbed me and dunked me." Danielle went on as Lilly placed an ice pack on her back."I'm not crazy." Her skin had become more redder.

"Are you okay?" I asked concerned about her.

"Do I fucking look like I'm okay?!" She said raising her voice. "I was nearly boiled!"

"Sorry..." I mumbled, regretting even saying anything. Jerry brought back some camomile lotion that was in Lilly's bag.

"Do you need to go to the hospital or something?" Jerry sighed.

"No." She sighed. "I'm fine, Just...I seriously felt someone grab me."

"We don't have to go hiking." Jerry said munching on chips. 

"No, Yeah...I wanna go." Danielle blurted out. "Nice cool lake water could be what I need." She smiled.

"Dani, maybe you should-"

"Should what, Lilly?" Danielle snapped back shoving the ice pack back at her. "I came here to have fun. That's what I'm gonna do." She stood up and headed upstairs. Mikey let out a sigh and sat back at the table.

              I put on a two piece swim suit and threw on one of my jackets. I headed down stairs where everyone was waiting out on the front deck. All the boys had on was swim shorts and no shirt.

"Where are those airheads?" Jerry sighed letting out smoke. Mikey hugged me and kept his arms Around me as we waited.

"Sorry." Lilly apologized coming out the front door."We had a bit of trouble getting dressed." Danielle came out, the redness was minimal, but her cheeks were still flushed.

"Let's go." Jerry smoked leading the way. Mikey insisted on holding my hand, but Danielle kept staring at me with an evil eye. As we walked up a hill, Jerry, Who was farther ahead of us and at the top, said he could see the lake.

"Is this even worth it." Lilly huffed. It was a steep hill and branches kept whacking at your face.

"Come on slow pokes!" Jerry chuckled running down to the lake as we barely reached the top. It was a beautiful view, a glistening clear lake surrounded by beautiful green trees.

"Wow..." I sighed.

"Come on Dani!" Lilly jumped pulling on her hand. Mikey and I stayed up at the top admiring the scenery. Once I made sure Danielle was out of earshot I turned to Mikey.

"Babe, can we talk?" I sighed as we slowly began walking down the hill.

"Always." He smiled, his hand intertwined with mine."What's bugging you babe?"

"Its not what, Rather than who." I replied. "Babe Danielle has been a bitch-"

"Shes always a bitch-"

"Yeah, but more toward me." I finished. He nodded finally understanding. "How come you never told her we were dating."

"I did!" He defended.

"Yeah, A month ago." I sighed as we got to the lake. The others were sitting at the pier. "We've been dating for a year."

"Best year of my life." He smiled caressing my cheek. I blushed and smiled.

"Come on love ducks!" Jerry called out. "Get in the water!" I turned back toward Mikey.

"Danielle hates me." I sighed."Would it be okay if we Minimized on the hugging, Kissing-"

"But, Your my girlfriend." He gulped, his voice sounded hurt. But not as hurt as I was gonna be if I kept flaunting my relationship in Dani's face.

"Just for the week..." I spoke caressing his cheek. I can tell he was biting back his Toungue from saying anything. But he finally understood and gave me a nod. "Thanks."

"Yeah." He sighed sadly and smiled weakly as we joined the rest of the group. I sat at the edge of the pier and dipped my legs in the lake. Lilly and Danielle both jumped off the pier into the water. I slowly submerged myself, the water was cool and crisp.

"Come on Mikey!" Danielle chanted trying to get him to get in the water.

"I'm going!" He called out setting his towel to the side. "Last one to that rock over there makes lunch!" He enticed and took a dive into the water.

"Your on, Mikey boy!" Jerry challenged beginning to swim. I was a decent swimmer, I was already ahead of Lilly and Danielle. I kept my head down as I swam looking down at the lake floor. I finally reached the rock and surfaced seeing Mikey sitting at the top of the rock. He shot me a wink and a second later Jerry reached the rock.

"Come on!" Jerry laughed seeing Danielle and Lilly still behind swimming. Mikey helped me up to sit beside him on the rock.

"Ladies and Gentleman..." Jerry spat out water. "Our lunchmaker Lilly."

"Shut up." Lilly snorted out."I had water up my nose...Relay going back?"

"Pfft you wanna lose again?" Mikey laughed sliding down the rock.

"I get a head start!" Danielle coughed already swimming back. As soon as everyone took off I quickly jumped off from the rock diving in. I passed Danielle and swam faster but as I did she kicked my head. Bitch... I was heading up to catch my breath when something scratched at my leg pulling me down. It was fine at first, I kicked it off and continued up but in a second I was now being yanked down. I let out a gasp if air when suddenly I looked down to see and saw eyes. A black haired woman with bright red eyes...I screamed trying to swim back up But she reached up gripping my right arm. I closed my eyes, I must've been dreaming. I had to be...

             I woke up coughing violently and spitting out water feeling my chest hurt.

"Sam, Sam!" I heard Mikey's voice worried. "I'm so glad your alright." He let out a sigh of relief as he sat me up to hug me.

"Drama queen..." I heard Danielle mumble as she layed on the pier suntanning. Lilly was kneeled beside me wrapping my leg in a bandage.

"Wh-what happened?" I shivered as Mikey wrapped me in his towel.

"You were drowning." He sighed patting my head. "You must've scraped on some rocks and caught your leg on some too."

"Luckily, its just a sprain." Lilly smiled finishing up.

"Thank you." I smiled weakly getting up. "Fuck..." I cursed feeling a sharp pain as I took a step with my left leg. Mikey carried me over to the sand and sat me down on a rock.

"Wanna go back to the cabin?" He asked.

"No." I gulped. "I'm fine here, you go have fun babe. Enjoy the lake." I really wanted to go back but I also didn't wanna be a drag.

"You sure?" He asked again, generally concerned about me. I smiled and nodded to reassure him. "Alright, just 30 more minutes though." He sighed kissing my head and running back to the lake. I let out a sigh and remembered the woman in the lake.

"What the fuck was that?" I whispered to myself. Its was just a dream, nothing more. I was drowning...lack of oxygen caused me to see things. Right? Only I wasn't. Ive seen that woman before...in my dreams. Something was shining in my eye and I looked beside me to see something shiny reflecting the sun. I got down to my knees and crawled over a log to reach the shiny thing between a rock. It was a necklace.


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