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         My mouth tasted of dry blood as I slowly opened my eyes. I flinched a bit, getting used to the bright white light. My other senses finally started waking up along with the pain.

"Mi Amor..." A familiar voice sniffed as I felt a soft squeeze on my hand.

"Grandma..." I said, but my voice was a simple whisper.

"Don't talk love." She gulped caressing my cheek. I let out a whimper, the pain was getting unbearable. "Ill go get the doctor."

"Ngh..." I groaned trying to sit up and saw my left arm all bandaged up. "M-Mikey..." I gulped remembering the accident. Grandma came back with the doctor, she wasn't happy that I was partially sitting up.

"Hun, lay back down." She sighed.

"Mikey..." I croaked. "Where's Mikey?"

"Its alright, Amor." She hugged me. "Both Lilly and Mikey are alright." The Spanish doctor with tan skin, combed back black hair gave me a nod and a smile.

"I wanna see him. Them..." I forced myself to speak up a bit.

"In all due time Miss Samantha." The doctor said in broken English. "For now, it's better if you rest. You came in with severe injuries." He looked at my clipboard. "Broken rib, trauma to the neck, head and you seem to have severe conjunctivitis in your eyes."

"When can I take her home?" Grandma asked clearing her throat.

"Couple days-"

"I wanna go home now!" I cried out.

"We had to revive you, Sam." The doctor sighed. "We have to monitor-"

"I'm fine." I held back the pain from talking and turned to grandma. "Please, take me home. I don't wanna be here..."

"Sam..." Her voice cracked and hugged me.

"Please! Please!" I started crying till I was begging. "Grandma get me out of here!"

"Sam, its only a couple days!" The doctor reassured. But he didn't understand. I began breathing heavily.

"Get me out!" I screamed detaching the wires from my skin.

"Nurse!" He called out pulling grandma back while I tried sitting up.

"No! No!" I screamed and struggled to get away from the nurses. "Fuck, Leave me alone!"

"Sam calm down." Grandma cried watching helplessly. The injected my side with something that made me instantly weak.

"No please..." I cried fighting to stay awake. "I need to leave...I wanna go home..." I babbled and knocked out.

             Mikey paced around his hospital room and slid open the curtains to where Lilly was. She was all bandaged from her shoulder and her torso with minor scrapes on her face. All Mikey had was bruised ribs and sprained knee.

"Lilly..." He whispered shaking her a bit.

"Ngh...what?" She mumbled slowly waking up.

"You know where Sam is?"

"I don't even know where I'm at..." Lilly mumbled still half asleep. "Mike..leave me alone."

"But Sam!" He sighed as Lilly resumed her unconscious state. He limped to the door and opened it, it was dark, the nurses must be away. As he peeked out into the dark hallway he saw a crooked tree in the middle of the ball.

"What..." He shook his head and looked back again. It wasn't there any more. "Hello?" He called out hoping a nurse would help him.

            I woke up again, normally this time, taking a deep breath. Sadly, I was still in the hospital.

"Mija," grandma soft voice whispered perking her head up from the foot of the bed. "Glad your awake. You feeling okay?"

"Grandma I wanna go home." I gulped. She sat up and caressed my face as I began to cry.

"Its gonna be okay." She comforted hugging me tight.

"You don't understand..." I cried.

"Sadly..." She choked up. "I do."

           Mikey limped out holding onto the wall as he walked down the hall.

"Hello?" He groaned. "Nurse?" He walked toward the nurse center where he heard talking and it was lit up. "I-I need help." He gulped raising his voice louder. The talking abruptly stopped and the light flickered. A low rumbling static began going off in the distance. "S-Sam..."

            "What do you mean?" I gulped. I gripped at my sheets, I was scared of her answer.

"I told you not to go!" She cried hiding her face.

           Mikey gulped but continued shuffling closer as the static grew louder. He began breathing heavily as he inched near the corner. Slowly a black hand creep around the corner than her eyes. Red eyes.

"Sam!" He screamed falling over but running immediately back to the room.

"What the fuck is going on..." Lilly woke up as Mikey slammed the door behind him.

"W-we gotta go!" He screamed yanking Lilly's blankets.

"What, why!?" She huffed feeling the panic rise within her. Mikey didn't answer as he began getting Lilly clothes from beneath the bed. "Mikey!" She groaned sitting up.

"She's here!" He cried and suddenly....the door vanished.

            "I tried getting you to stay!" My grandmother sobbed."you didn't listen!"

"What do you mean!" I cried."You said you understood what was going on!?"

"This happened to your mom!" She sobbed.

"My mom?..." I gulped in disbelief. "Grandma...what exactly happened to my mom..."

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