hiding secret to my lord vampire..

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my name is kat

i was mark as a mate to a vampire.  


that was they thought i am


when escape is not possible.


thats just i have to do.


not so. since i become a servant of a vampire lord.


since birth i was handled like a princess would. educated.  

like a fragile glass. i was handled with care. though i know why they all did. they will sacrifice me to the vampire of the manor.  

you think it was not that bad?  

let me tell you that they will not allow- to talk or look at anyone specially male. the male vampire were the one talk for them. they were seldom seen. if you have a worst luck you will end up drain, beaten or dead. How do i know these? i have known things

back to present

i look at the carriage.

due to the storm, the carriage slip and smashed. my prev maid & now sister in law (lisa) dead. david, my elder brother was in my arms- dying.  

"you always- always say that- that you want escape right?" david ask stuttering & he is starting to get cold. he had blood all over. 

"ssh brother. everything will be ok." i assured him. "you will be ok. we all be ok." I denied choking the sobs. i rock him in my arms. Just yesterday we were laughing and enjoying every moment. In the blink of an eye its all gone.

he shook his head. " no sister. lisa and i wont make it."  

"no- no! please. i dont have anyone!" i beg. 

to my surprise he took off my ring and exchange the ring that he was suppose to give to lisa. 

It didnt register in me what he was doing and what he wants me to do until-

"Sorry baby you have to be strong.i want- i want you to pretend- pretend to be her. i am now your husband."  

"we cant!" i protest. i think he is starting to be dellusional. but this is worst of everything they made me do."they will know!"  

Why the hell he was smiling? He use to smile like this everytime he made me want to reasure me. When he wants to talk sense of me about why not to be afraid of thunders and how silly ghosts are. Now is different. Theres no sense on what he is saying. This is no dream. No stories to make up for him to make me feel better. My sister in law dead & my brother all blooded and dying.

"no darling they- they wont. you can- can still use your name. he dont know your- your name." he assured me. " and well, good thing your dress is plain unlike hers. you always want a plain dress." he took her hand and put the ring from my fiance. he kiss her hand and close her eyes. "shes much more-much prettier & look young- younger than you." he shrugged making himself funny.  " smile princess for me, everything will be alright now."

i smiled. i never thought smiling and crying at the same time was possible. his breath is getting shallow.  

"kat" he wipe my tears. "my sweet kat. you will just pretend your an actress on a play. Do you remember when we are still kids. We use to play roles. you two- switch places. do what she will do." after a long hugging kissing and reminiscing. i never thought my heart could take it.  

He tried to wipe my tears with his bloody hands.

"i have- i have to follow lis-"  

"please david!" 

"lisa" his hands fell before he could touch my face. he died smiling. 

I alone. "No." Please let this be a dream. "David cmon wake up."
i scream his name. i keep rocking him. Talking nonsense. Why? Why cant it be normal? Why cant it be simple? Can someone help? Wake up or please anyone wake me up. i scream & scream like i never scream before.

suddenly i stop. the wind and forest screams danger. the animals unsettled. i began to be more scared. i hug my brother tightly. then suddenly i saw 5 monsters in front of me. one said. "blood i smell blood." i pass out.

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