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A tall blond woman entered. theres a long pause.

i wonder why she pause. did she entered a wrong room? no, worse she is in a right room & she is Lord Sin mistress! why thinking My lord has a mistress pain me? Its hurts. I wonder if I should hide or something! C'mon think!

i look down as i saw what she is looking. I totally froze

" your a- vampires mate" she said

i flush.. Greeaat

she is looking at my mark! and i am naked! vampire mark was input in the area hidden. mine located at my upper right breast to my right arm..

I should faint like those woman in the society. I frown. If i faint i am naked it will look worse.

i open my mouth and close i bit my lips. Now what?! I cant think. My god! My body ache. My heart ache thinking she is lord sins mistress & I am now discovered. i am crying? i cant be in hysterics. David what should i do?


i saw her panic & froze at the same time. "its ok" i soothe her."should i help you dress?" i ask. she shook her head & slowly dress.

we remain silent for a while. i broke the silence as i step a bit closer.

she back down when i questioned her . "tell me something does the xaviers knew you were also a vampires mate & do you know who is your mate? does your husband?" she was so pale. i saw her bruises.

she open her mouth but close it again. then suddenly the vase at her back fell down & crash. at her panic, she accidentally step into one of the large piece of the vase that cause bleeding on her feet. tears began to spill on her eyes. she looks like a cornered animal.

i want to tell her not to panic before i could say a thing, the front door open instantly with a bang.

lord sin was at her side in an instant. darin was on mine. darin hugged me as if he felt my panic & so does lord sin to her. they assess the scene checking for any threat.

"what the hell happen!?!" i wince. sin demanded me to tell him. darin hid his frustration to sin. i grab his arm. he looks worried at me. i smiled at him to assure him its no big deal. deep inside sin scared me.

i look at katherina she look at me with-panic? Panic that i might reveal it to them? no. i shook my head.  

i never seen sin like this. sin was worried possibly that theres a rogue attack.

do i feel fear from sin or is it i feel fear for the woman sake? "Its just an accident sin. when i open the door she startled & hit the vase. i think she step into it too. you should probably leave i will tend to her. theres blood & your eyes is turning red. you should leave now."

i was about to go to her darin stops me & shook his head. he moved me. he wants me to leave?! is he insane? he wants me to leave a rabbit with a beast at that state! "but darin!-" he shook his head again. head straight out from the chamber.

Im frustrated how he man can this vampires be. i hope she will be ok. there so many question. this aint over. if shes a vampire mate then she wont betray us. i hope.


I was with darin. suddenly i have this feeling on my gut that i have to find her.

I rush to my chamber. i know darin followed. what is this feeling?!

I open my room.

then I saw her! i was mad!

no! mad was undestatement of how i feel!

when helen & darin left.

"are you ok? did she hurt you" i asks her. i didnt know my voice was on edge until i saw her wince.

"katherina look at me" i said as i tilt her head. she was so pale. "tell me did she do anything to you." i asks again but this time softer like a parent asking & calming tone.

though i assure you theres nothing a parent like as the way i hold her near me. 

She was on my lap. Leg exposed. The buttons of her dress are not all done.

i want to shook her to tell me what happened.  i want to bury myself to her at the same time but to calm her is more powerful.

she shook her head. knowing thats she meant 'no. helen did not hurt her'. what i saw in her eyes & what i feel earlier also meant something. its fear. i wonder why? it drawn me. it fear me. it anger me who the hell made her feel fear!?

she was still shivering i held her firm me. i look at her in the eye and kiss her head. kiss her eyes while i carry her to bed.

i saw her panic when i move away when i grab an ale.

i took an ale and made her sip. these somehow ease her shivering. i let her finish what i pour. i set the cup down the table. the faint smell of her blood putting me on edge.

"its alright." I said still looking at her eyes. yes i know my eyes are red right now. hunger.


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