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"vampires mate." i stop. 

then i was grab by him. anger. i feel his anger. his face dont show it. no no no!

he was trying to remove the robe

"a secret katherina? you think you can keep it that long!"

he didnt bother to continue. he just put me to bed with him.

he was so angry yet so careful with me. im burning. "my lord. we cant do these."

he continue to touch me. "just answer me this katherina" he looks at me. "is he alive?"


he tighten his grip. his voice is husky and holds danger "i wont let him take you away. you promise to stay forever. you must be punish for leaving me. now its time you pay for it."

he punish me by kissing and caressing me.. i tried to protest but my body doesnt..

the frustrating part it. i like it.

moaning and whimper i did.. and clutch him at the same time.. he punish me.. he did..

i just have to keep in mind. 2 more secrets. my lord what would you do?


She is fast asleep. I know i should take it slow since it was a lot handle. Sybil said it was a woman thing.
I dont give a damn anyone says. She is nobody elses woman but mine. No one dictates me on what i do to her.
Escaping me is a big mistake she did.
Her nectar so sweet. Her body and her moans told me everything i know.
Mine! I dont care how immature i am but she is mine! I let her feel it and i punish her for something she dont have control. I was rough. To have some vampire to claim was a deathbath. Mine!

Then it hit me. Goddess!
it was late when i realize her hurt.  i didnt know it was her first time. Why didnt she tell me about the fucking mate and i was her first? Fucking tight!

She keeps moaning with pleasure and pain. I want to take pity but i punish her by each thrust. I can not allow insurbodination. Breaking pledge is death! "There is no going back. Fucking say your mine. "
" No."
"I am your master. I own your body!" I thrust harder. I showed her how angry i am. I showed her the beast. She has to understand. My eyes all red and how rough i an for both pleasure and anger.  "You pledge! You left me! You ruin my trust! You know that im coming for you! You know you can never escape long!" I didnt make her come. I tease her body. Til she wants more. She bit her lip to resists the moan but then given up . her body is pleading.
"Im sorry. Please"
I dont know if she meant it. I must have her whole.
"I cant trust what you are saying. You broke your pledge."
"I could just tie you up without a free reign. I can make you my sex slave as a punishment. No one will defend you or buy such a traitor servant."

"Im sorry" she keeps repeating it over and over. It hurts but i must make her see reality. " My people will want your head.
Pledge again Katherina that you will serve me willingly and will be my servant forever."
"Damn you! Im not really yours"
I smiled bitterly as i keep teasing her by slowing the pace. "Im already damned before you were born and i accepted it and didnt run. How about you Katherina? Are you trying to convince me or your self?"
I keep her pleading for me. I know how fucking bastard i am. She was crying and screaming. Her bondage will bruise her. Damn! I should have thought of more softer fabric. She is sobbing and begging. "Katherina!"
"Yes i promise! Damn you! I promise. Do something!"
I did. I thrust faster and faster. Then I bit her. And we both came.

Everytime i get the answer of a question. Theres more and more coming. Its puzzling.
why didnt he made love to his husband? tears i seen her tears yet i cant help myself.. when its her i dont have control.

why do i feel triumph yet i feel the guilt..

The only guilt is that i hurt her on her first time.

To take her over and over was not. No man death or alive. Vampire or human will take what is mine. I vow.

Ill use the connection i have.. all of it.
After a long silence as our body still joined.
"They will asks for your head if they find out you escape." I hold her tighter and bury my head on her hair. Its smell me. Im so turn on. Damn. "They who serve me for years and loyal and I will have to kill them if they asks your head. One by one Katherina. Do you understand?"

Her body tense as she absorb what im saying.She nods.
I will kill for this woman. Goddess. I really would kill for her.

I let her sleep as I thought of another added list of guilt to carry. Goddess knows how much weigh i already have


guilt. anger. & disapointment.

It hurts. To feel his emotion like this is torture.. whenever we couple those feelings continues.

what more my lord?

why wont you just end the torment & just end this. this is just lust. what more do you want? will i be dismiss after?


5 days they were at the room. 

i was so worried but darin wont let me interfere. katherina. i wonder if she is ok.

(on the other side)


why arent you letting them go sybil? i think you should let them go.

she made a face "wheres the fun in that?"

she look a far.

"what are you planning" i asks

she smiled. "nothing that arent already in here"


at long last. sin already let me roam outside the room. he cant stay away longer to his business. there seems to be commotion outside the manor. he has to work.

im not sure what relationship we have. yes we made love & all or rather lust. the question is. is there any called relationship to begin with? I love him yes but him? What am i? A servant. I can feel his possesive. I can feel the dissapointment as well and anger. Am i just a servant that he cant let go because he is in lust of me?

almost 4 weeks here.  

helen & daskoff most of the time accompanies me.

while walking with helen one afternoon. i felt something that made me stop.

"whats wrong?" asks helen.

i shook my head. no.

i grip her hand & whisper

"helen how fast are you at running?" i asks her.

she frown but answer anyway. "im pretty good at it. specially darin gave me his blood. vampires blood will help humans more on there ability. why?"

i hold her hand like nothing

"good. thats good. because we are in big danger."


"someone is here. i dont know how many. atleast i think 7. i want you to run & dont look back until you have help. ok?"


"we can make it together." I said

she shook her head. "i cant run far."

"how do you know these."

"im an empath. when i say run. we run. ill be right behind you"

shes shivering.

"if they capture you they will torment you." she said

" & if your captured!?"

"they wont they need me in something."

"when i count of three."

....... "three"


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