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i gave her the ale. this somehow ease her shivering. i let her finish what i pour. i set the cup down the table. the faint smell of her blood putting me on edge.

"its alright." I said still looking at her eyes. yes i know my eyes are red right now. hunger.


i panic. i was ashamed they saw me like these. i fear the blonde woman would tell them. who knows she maybe buying time. i felt her wanting to calm me down but i dont know what happened.

if lord sin found out that i lied i will be punish. i back down & hit the vase next thing i knew i step into it. i wince in pain. tears fall before i knew it. im helpless without david.

I know im such a baby. But im not used to this! I dont serve. I dont lie. I want the fate to give it all back. I was protected. The people who cared for me and love me. Please bring them back. Mother. Father. Bring also back my brother. Im not smart! Im not good at strategy like brother. I dont have lisas strength. Im weak. I dont know what to do.

suddenly the door open. i look & saw him. next thing i knew, darin helds her tightly while sin held me. i dont know what happened next. everything was so fast to focus.

I know its wrong but i crave it.. the embrace. This embrace.

Right now I was at the bed and he move me down. His gaze was so powerful that i cant take my eyes off. I notice his eyes has turned red. I know its hunger. I should fear him. I should say please dont hurt me. Instead it excites me. My stomach flip or something that i cant explain. "its alright." he said.

My legs is already expose but
Stil he move my skirt upward & upward . He inspect my legs,knees carefully like he is observing something fragile like he never seen one before. He kissed my legs. slowly. as he kisses me below my knees downward. i can hear my heart pumping. how can kissing a feet will be this erotic. i lost my voice. he reached my injured feet and sucks the blood i moan. he looks at me as he lick it. suddenly he stops. suddenly i was lying on the bed, leaning on me and whisper your healed.

it took me a few minutes to recover to think what he is saying. Healed. i examine my feet i dont feel the pain anymore. i also seen that the bruises i got from the accident. "t-thank you my l-lord" i know im blushiing. This man should be illegal. Just looking at him made my mind fuzz.

I cant help but ask. "the woman my lord." i said not looking at him. "Is she your mistress?"

im waiting for his answer. why do i feel that he was about to break my heart. he is taking to much time than necessary to answer. he keeps looking at me not revealing himself. My emotion was too strong to check what he is feeling.
I wait like my life depends on it, even if i - the one who lied.

" its not your concern." he said. Yes. it was a good thing i lied. This man would break me. those words that will forever haunts me.

I decided. its time i leave.

*few days later*


I wonder if david & lisa could feel my sorrow. I will not be able to visit this grave again. I thank them already for my new life. I must escape my past and move on. 


I watch sin as he watches her a far. She was always here. Grieving is hard I know. I also lost someone so dear. I hope Sin still have the energy to slow it down. Sin is the most dangerous vampire here. its possible that is the reason every vampire & human keep there distance to her. I still remeber Sins reaction at that time when I first met katherina. She needs someone who is living to brought back to herself. Is that why sins wants me to try to be friend her? is that why he allows her to do as much as she wants.

I approch her. "hi my name is Helen. I know you are grieving but I still need you to answer some questions."

"My lady." she curtsy like a properly lady. she keep her eyes down. "forgive me from previous incidence.
A pause.

I dont know why but i have to be direct.  We cant allow betrayal. "Dont let me be the one to tell sin about this. Is there someone who you are waiting to claim you or is he dead? Do you know who is your mate?"

" David know everything so does Lisa. I assure you no one will look for me.  I also assure you I will bring no trouble at all. I already apologize to Lord sin. I am just assigned as his servant." She speaks without a pause she speaks so fast like she was uncomfortable I might yell at her?


explaining to my lord mistress breaks my heart. If I were his legal wife. I will of course face this kind of humilliation from him. Tears already dried I am so tired of crying. I must face now everything by myself. I have to grow up.

"I request for Lord sin to remove me on his chamber but he insist I stay there incase he needed something."  I continued. "I assure you my lady nothing happened between me & Lord Sin. We keep distance. He dont stay there. Its possible he just pity me." I wonder if my explanation was not enough? She was shaking so I look at her.

she was laughing so hard. "sin didnt explain to you? Im not his mistress. Im darins mate."

It ease the hurt. Why? Why was i relieve?

"He didnt tell you? I dont know what game he is playing. He just lost a mate then now you are here."

Game? Then its all a game?

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