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im here sitting at my office. i was looking at nowhere.

It flashback. i saw her (katherina) holds her husband with so much love and sorrow.

we knew that she is the only one- alive.. theres no other heartbeat.. 
when we approached she held her husband so tightly. i felt- angry? im not sure why. i had an urge to hold and rip of that corpse.

its a mix emotion..  for years i havent felt this.

i saw my suppose to be wife-dead..


i dont feel a thing for my fiance. Its seems im really am a monster.

i look at david xavier. i felt envy. envy that such emotion exist from his wife. i envy that dead man though he now holds nothing.. even life...  

i dont know why i took the engagement ring off on lisas finger. it puzzles me why i snarled at the others when they are about to touch katherina.

These vampires who are with me are soldiers who serves meand trust for years. Why do i feel restless? I drastic put her room on my wing. Easily reach.

Another puzzle why, when she mention her last name xavier i had urge to open the grave & kill again my suppose to be brother in law.. did he touch her? Thinking what they do as husband and wife make the animal in me loose. I didnt realize i fist my hand tightly and drew blood. Fuck! I really cant control myself. What is happening?
i cant forget her. Her beauty so different like you will loose your self. Her black hair tightly pin. I want it loose. I want to feel that hair on my finger tips. Like before she was unconscious.

the feeling i felt for katherina was so intense.
theres knock at the door step..


i dont have any knowledge on how i know its her.. why cant i control me? Who is she to make me loose control. Im frustrated that she makes me loose control? Is she a witch? Doesnt she know how dangerous she make me?

My eyes turns red. I want blood. Not just any blood. Her blood. Her flesh blood.


i want to talk to lord sin vlad ford.. my heart beats faster again.. just thinking about him.. it made my body flush hot & cold at the same time..  

"come in." 

his voice so manly. oh my what am i thinking!? His so good looking. Silver hair. His coat was loose so was his tie. How improper to meet  a guest. His complexion is white as snow. He looks so soft to touch. Yet manly. I blush. He notice. I stared to long. The vampire darin left as soon as the tea was serve.. he let me sit and everything..

i just face down. Yes. Me. You will be safe as long as you dont look. i felt he stares my every move.. it made me unease..  

i felt his- confusion and frustration.. he was at his desk while i was on the couch not near at all where i am. i feel safer.

i know im kidding my self feeling safe but still. Let my mind play this safe feeling for just a bit. Please me. Calm. Please. I tried to calm my breaths. Why cant my mantra works now?

Anger. Frustration. The feeling of darkness coming from him. Its so strong. I cant concentrate. Why? what did i do? is he mad at me? does he know? what should i do? 

I flush when i heard him ask. "what is that scent youre using?"
Its unexpected and startled me.

Scent? I dont understand.
My throat seems dry to speak.

how would i answer such? what lady would say in that type of question?

"fascinating.. your heart beat runs faster & faster.." he said like he just telling me my tea cup is cold.. 

I think im starting to hyperventilate
"answer me." suddenly he was at my side.. i was shock how fast he move and now i mistakenly look at him. Dellusion of safe shattered. damnation!  

He is waiting for me to answer "not-nothing." i said. "i dont use anything, other than what was provided for me." why is he so close? this is improper right? 

"are you nervous or are you afraid?" he asks as he looks at my neck. does he wants to bite me? if he wants to eat and kill me no one would know & care..  

its that pull again like i want to be close.. danger.. everything about him screams danger.. "you have to stop my lord." my voice was so husky.. i sware i never done it on purpose.

"do you love your husband? does he make you feel like these." he holds me. hugging me like im his.

Its insanity!

he said, husband? yes i forgot again. i am married. next thing i know i was on his lap. "yes." i gasps. 

he smirks "do you love him?" he ask i said yes again. why am i stuttering? i made him angry again but how? he questioned again. "does his touch made you feel like i do? these intense and passion?"  

"my lord!" i protest "yes. you have to stop its improper!"

then he smirks like he knows something i dont. i feel i am in big trouble. 

his touches made my mind fuzzy and sends sparks and tingling.. i can hear my own heart beat.  

oh goddess help me!  

"let me tell you a secret katherina." i tried to stand but he press his body to mine.

" you can never lie to a vampire."

he kissed me. i tried to stop him. his kiss made me gasps. he invade my mouth until i just gave in..

when i did i felt his triumph.

i cant help it. i never know kiss can make you feel these. oh how i can even describe it! how can forbidden feel so good? I moan.

his touch felt down to the core. its like i dont own my body. He manage to remove my sweater because suddenly i felt cold. I only have thin fabric covering my tops. But he manage to compensate, touching the tip of my breast over the fabric. I groan. Wherever he touch me he knows when to be gentle and when to be rough. "Please." I plead.
This is the first time it frustrate me to wear a dress. i dont want anything between us. Im hot like something is coming.

I cant take it. Its like there is some spell. He put my hands up and to hold me still in one hand. Its rough but i didnt care.
"Are you a witch?"  He keep rubbing my right breast as i moan. "Answer me! Are you!"Are you using spell on me!?" Then he pinch the tip of breast hard to get my attention.

I groan. "No. No to all sir"

He smiled.  And reward me a long kiss. His eyes so sharp it turns me on. He manage to rip my undies and he put his fingers.

" Oh goddess." Its so good. I want more. I dont know what i want. But i know its coming

he kiss my neck tracing it.

i felt then his sharp teeth.
The spell broken.
It awakens me on what he is.
Im frightened. He felt it too. He let me go. I whimpered. He move at his desks again fast. Its like i imagine it. Except i felt cold.

I find hugging myself and in shame on what ive done. How could i act like a whore and gave myself without so much protests and anger?

i sware if i cant feel his emotion ill thought this is just his day to day event..

theres a long silence.

when i find my voice i told him "my lord ill leave your estate."
not only its right but also safer.

A growl?

his eyes is like fire that found his prey. "katherina you wont leave.."

then he move closer again. He push me at the sofa and he whispered that made me shiver. "i wont let you.." he promise.

Then continue to kiss me

My god he definitely found his prey.

its me.

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