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that woman (kat) didnt appear on the dining room. sybil was happy about it. she entertain us like a proper host.

"why is katherina not here." sin asks.  

she laugh. "are you asking about mrs xavier? she is a servant my lord"  

sin fists clench.

we finish our meal.

"there are plenty of guest room choose where ever you like."

sin left..

i follow sybil to the library.

"do you play chess my lord? i think this would be fun."

i sat down. i move the white pon.

"sybil. what do you want with my family?"

she looks at the chess board with interest. "i dont want anything to do with them my lord. in fact i would rather not have them at all." 

it means she was ok if they all died.

"you see, it was something inside the fence" she used her queen to take down my horse. "that i need." she continued.

i continue playing chess with her.

i warned "i wont let you hurt them"


she shrug & smile "its just a game." she pause. "on the other hand theres always another one"

what is that mean? "woman you will be a death of me" i did something i never thought i would. i grab & kissed her


i was at my chamber. well i know its big and beautiful. sybil said woman should enjoy luxury. this is too much luxury. i was at the couch. stitching. im doing crest embroidery. what was sybil thinking?  

he invited lord sin here. i prick my finger while stitching. Sybil wanted the embroidery finish. i must finish this. i frown. it doesnt look like the crest. i wonder if she will like it. regardless that its not that good.  

sin. i always think about him.

"is that what she made you do all day?"

that voice.

i dont want to look at him. why is his voice making me mushy if that is even a word? i wanted to cry in frustration. i wanted- what do i want anyway? i know woman dont have a choice at this era. this time. woman look down. i wont. i promise ill be happy.

"lord sin what are you doing here? how do you know im here."

he walks closer & closer. my heart keeps pounding. his presence made me alive & aware of everything.

"please" i whimper

he stops for a minute. then he continue to walks toward me and took me on his arm.

he holds me and i cried. why am i crying? i grab him. like a child he cuddles me

"lord sin, you are making me crazy!"

he holds me tightly and carried me to bed. he caress me and frustratedly said

"woman, crazy is understatement of what youve done to me." he kisses me he hugged & touch me i never thought ill feel sensitive. "you made me addictive to you.i dont think ill get enough." 

he keep kissing me.

next thing i know ive done what i havent done for months. I slept.

when i woke up feeling at ease for the first tine "what the hell?!" im not in my chamber! im at sins house. how is that even possible?!

why the hell i cant remember. why am i naked? i must hide. i must hide my mark. he must not see.

the servant who dress me before thought it was a scar of the accident. to those who knew. ill be be in danger.

breath katherina. you can look for something. his robe. this would do for a while. "thank the goddess"

"thank the goddess for what katherina?"asks sin. i turned around.

i back away slowly. "i dont have clothes my lord. its not proper. why am i here? sybil might worry i should go back."

long pause. he just look at me. its awkward.

"my lord i demand my clothes back."

he sigh. in that drawer are your clothes. it was nearer to him. "i see" i walk to it. shaking. why do i feel shaken. "i must dress."  

"why not dress here?" he suggest

i ignore his remark. im about to walk out.

"vampires mate." i stop. 

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