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i watch the full moon. 

9 days since the accident. i also hear human servants whispered that they hear me scream at night. they all look at me with pity. why didnt the vampire killed me?

the chamber i was in located was on the ground floor.

i tried to walk outside. Not to escape since i know i wont get far anyways.

too much has happen. There are trees surrounding this place. Why cant it get back from the way it it used to be.

It hurts.

The wind rustle. i hear something that frightens me. An animal?

i look on my right.

nothing. I know someone is there.

I can feel the presence of him.

I move fast im about to trip until someone holds me. I gasps not sure for the adrenaline.

"arent you suppose in bed little one?"


"easy there." his voice has musical tones like you want to hear it again & again.

i should scream.

i should run.

why arent i?

My head is screaming. Monster. Run.

My body wont move. Im trembling.

his face comes closer. So handsome. A face of an angel yet  he is  a monster.

my heartbeat accelerate.

"your scent." he sniffs "you smells good."

he looks at me in the eye.

his eyes. i cant figure the color. was it silver to black?

his breathing getting shallow.

i smell whisky. i smell another scent. a male scent. i want to be closer.. nothing bad.. just a bit close..

suddenly his eyes turns to red.my savior arrive.. another vampire?
"my lord the food is ready." i can move again.

i didnt realize that the vampire in front of me was too close of making me his meal.

the vampire eyes was back to normal. "darin, cmon. you scared her. im just helping the girl." he said. we all know its not true..

"your name? what is your name?"  

he asks. he waited for my answer.. like he must have it.

"kat, senior." is that my voice? why is it sounds husky? "katherina xavier."

then suddenly i felt his anger. why? why was he angry? how did i made him angry?

"im the lord of the manor sin vlad ford." he said. "my fiance and your husband was burried at the backyard." he said. "if you need any help asks darin." he vanish like it was an illusion all along..

im trembling. Im frightened. Im about to fall when darin. The vampire who interupts us manage to hold me. I want to wake up!

danger is staring somewhere.

i look the third floor balcony and i saw the lord of the manor staring..

his looking at me.. then he was gone again..

i remember how i froze earlier. how my voice sounds like.


wait! did he say they burried my husband? how the hell i forgot i am now mrs. katherina howell (lisa last name) xavier is our last name.

i put my hand to my chest like it will help to calm my heart.

i look at the 3rd balcony again as i realize.

'oh brother, im in real danger... '

he was suppose to be my fiance!

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