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she cant leave!  

i wont let her! thinking of her leave angered both men & beasts in me. its not good.  its getting more out of hand.

"i dont understand. what do you- mean you- wont let me?" she stuttered..  

I bid my time. So compelling. Did she realize how sexy she looks now. I feel triumph that i made her look that way now. I can bent her at my will. Ive done it before in others why cant i done it again. Yes im ruthless. Yet i dont care. If i want it. I will make it mine.

i looks at her & asks 

"do you have any living relative?" 

she shook her head. She bit her lip

That lip i tasted like cherry red. I would really enjoy this. She was trembling but not for fear anymore.

"do you have any other waiting job?" before she could answer i continued. "i found that your previous employer tried to abuse you." she shiver. "if not for your husband. you will be abused"

she was scared. the urge to hold her was so powerful. so i did.  

my servant took care of the parasites. still i had the urge to kill the bastard again & again. 

" if i let you leave- tell me where will you go & what you will do? will you go back from being a maid? a servant?" 

"i -i- probably would." 

"let me solve these for both of us." i whisper at her ear. "you will stay here as my servant. i will protect you." i hold her firm. theres a long silence 

"thank you." she said "your trying to help me." she smiled. "your a good man my lord but-"

i sharply look at her in the eye. She stop her mutter.
she had these naive trust & innocent face look.  Yes see the monster. We both know theres no good vampire. "no katherina. Stop lying to yourself" i touch her face. "im not a good person. you should always rember i am a beasts-" holding her firm"- because its not an option. its a command." then i kiss her again. like i was starving. i was obsess to her scent.. i compell her to sleep. 

"i honestly dont think i could also let you go katharina." i admitted. darin entered. i shook my head to darin. No. No one allowed to hold her.

i dont want anyone to hold whats-mine?

i put her on bed. not the guest quarters but mine.

yes.. mine.. ill just have to convince her. shes mine. Its decided. You cant be away. I will destroy anyone who will take you away.

suddenly i felt him. Daskoff.

darin was on katherina side to protect her. while i attack the intruder! "daskoff, what the hell are you doing here?! he was looking at my katherina! i hold his neck. darin immediately blocks daskoff view.

"answer me! "

"so its true you found an obssession.." i hold is neck even harder! "i have-news cousin.. its about her!" i let him go.

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