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have you read my other work secret of roza? i know i was late. heres another chapter :)


i touch my soar neck.. If someone ever tried that to you. You will know how that feels! if you do. well hell yeah! it sucks! damn sin!

I just couldnt fight him. he is stronger than me and older than me. well there this one who could do that and it is dev his brother. they are not close now. i like dev better.

i dont know why the hell my cousin attempt to kill me! when im about to give him good news.

why hell me? why!? why?! why?! my fangs elongated with frustration. i put on the pills on the water. now the water turns red as blood. synthetic blood. as i finish my drink, i know the wounds would heal. i sigh. if this is a true blood i will heal faster. i smash the glass in the wall.

how would i know he carried a mortal in his room?!

he is always so serious but i never seen him like this before & with a woman. well i dont think shes beautiful.

oh ok! she is. she is! but i didnt think that is his type.

i actually didnt see her quite well because of Darin! that darin! who do he think he is? following my cousins order?

well if your asking what i told about sin. its about her mate who died.

I found out what i could about her. but he seems not interested at all to her mate. what with this human girl anyway?

though i found something suspicious on the news about his mate. i have one of my minion on it .

i smiled suddenly. well of course i need to inform dev what was going on. maybe i could get suggestion on how i could have my revenge.


i was fascinated on this little mortal. she is not tall at all. i was fascinated on every single thing. she is so fragile. i sigh.

if my mate was alive i wonder how i will cope.  

when daskoff look at her i feel- jealous? when daskoff said 'about her' i was frustrated. i know he means he have news with my mate. why dont i care at all. i should feel guilty and think about my mate & be sad about her death.. am i really now that evil?

Does the beasts in me winning? I am happy that her husband died.
Yes. I am evil. So Katherina you should really be warry of me.

Then i saw her open her eyes. looking everywhere. she had this puzzle face. i wonder what she is thinking?

she blush & widen her eyes as she saw me. "My Lord?" her voice i like her voice.


i was at a different room. his scent all over the place. a man smell. i like it. dont get me wrong. i have a brother but his smell is different.  

what i was thinking? then i saw him.

"my lord?" this really confusing. my voice. "your awake. im sorry my lord i didnt know i slept on your bed. "

"are you ready to take on your duty Katherina?" oh that face who dont give a thing. i wonder if my gift being empath broke or something. i cant feel his emotion or is it mine too strong?  

then i was puzzle i dont remember agreeing on this one. its probably shown to my face. he looks at me with narrowed eyes daring me to protest. yes i can protest! i think.

"i dont-" he cut me off by coming closer. my goddess! hes so near! his scent so intoxicating. his face was so beautiful. his eyes and that lips!

"breath" he said. oh! i didnt know im helding it. if embarassing can kill you. i would have died a dozen times! my heart start pumping again. he too was breathing faster. yes he is breathing. faster.

he hold & burried his face on my neck. "you will be my personal servant." he continue to smell me like i am a good perfume.

he continued "you will feed me. make my bed. check my clothes. help me to stocks file. sleep in my bed side & so many more." he then lift his head and look at me then my lips. his face was just couple of inch. "say yes" he said like he is whispering on my lips. "say yes" then i said. "yeess" i wonder what the yes is. i dont know what we are talking. what was it again? my head was floating."say forever." i didnt know that you could speak in that inches close. well he prove me wrong."fore-ver" i whisper. then he smiled. no not smiled smirk. then he move and stand. i watch him as he left. i was breathing faster like i run.

then the door open again. "i forgot something."

one second he is at the door then suddenly appear infront of me.

he held me tight & said "i forgot this." he kissed me passionately that we both moan. "that is to seal the deal." then he was gone again. 

'oh oh what bargain did i seal again?!'


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