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i was done cleaning the room of lord sin.. the kitchen maid kick me out there after i accidentally broke some dishes. burnt the bread.

i sigh. i didnt know lisas everyday job was hard. now i just need to finish map or scrub floors.

i done a good job, i think..

i saw my hand with blister. why?

is it because i never done these. i shook my head i should continue.

i was about to trip.

suddenly a cold man grab my hand that made me nervous.

"i had enough!" a voice not familiar.


i did not stalked her i swear! im just observing. if your asking why im awake since its afternoon. duh we can be awake & not asleep. the place here full of clouds & all so we can stand the afternoon. dont believe vampires always awake at night & day was asleep. our eyes are just sensitive but since we are older we can stand it.

back to the topic. this girl infuriates me to hell! she was about to trip. if i didnt catch her on time she will get her knees bruise too.

"you had cuts! your about to fall. are you always this clumsy?! "

how the hell she became a servant to xaviers?!

she couldnt make it to the first 2 hrs. its a horror to watch her..

when i said horror real horror! ill fire her in an instant!

i rather face & kill vampires or rogue wolf than watch these.

she frowns.

she open then close her mouth.

i watch her do it few times.

until she decide to just clip her mouth shut.

can you believe it?! she was like fighting her subconscious while projecting it

i did the unexpected.

i laugh at her. really! unbelievable!

never in my life i experience being frustrated, angry & laughing at the same time. oh cmon! you would laugh too by thinking how could a person made such expression!

"you look funny doing that."

she frowns & eyes narrowed.

when i manage to compose myself i introduce my self."im daskoff vlad ford."

she bow to me like a princess & look at me in the eye. her hazel eyes. "katherina xavier."


too embarassing! ahh!

to embarass myself in front of his cousins who laugh at me. huh unbelievable! i shook my head!

im not clumsy!

i frown remembering how many bruise i got.

i shook my head. well not always. (lie)

its just if i practice i know i can do it! right?! (silence) i sigh

he patch me and sent me to- well this is not my chamber. i sigh again. i wish i had my own.

i just had to get rid of my dress and take long shower while my lord is not around.

i know they sleep at another chamber. yup! that whats i have to do.

-helen (darins mate)-

i have a short blonde hair. if you are asking what i look like. im tall. let your imagination run.

darin informed me that our lord mate was dead. i feel sad for him since needed one. if you ask me if im a vampire. no im not. i look 25 but im actually way older. i just look this way because darin gave me blood so i wont age. if you think anything else. stop! its actually erotic for me. its embarassing. well darin & i discuss turning me. i want too but he doesnt. i thought i want it too but when we had a war before. he got injured. i gave him mine. its not good to think your mate will drink with anyone else. so i change my mind.

anyway back to the story. sins mate died. i felt sad because he is lonely. he need someone who will care for him. when darin found me, well he said he felt complete and he experience emotion like never before. darin also told me that theres a woman survive. sins mate suppose to be sister in law but now servant. i know! i was also puzzled. why the hell he have a mortal here? servants not belong to this land may not be trustworthy. i feel sad her husband died & all. oh dont judge me! if you were here when the war broke you will understand. im not bitchy. i was just confuse & want to understand if sin want her to stay in here why servant? why not make her as family guest? it confuse me to hell. so i have to meet this girl.

daskoff complained to me she had sin on his clasp. im worried. so here i am at my lord room that confuse me too. why is she here? anyway as my worried mind goes along i wonder if i should knock or anything. i just decided to open the door. then i saw something that shock me.

she is beautiful way beautiful. that not shock me. found her dressing but that also did not shock me. im also a woman. the thing that shock both of us -

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