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this is the end of the chapter..

enjoy... =)


daskoff & the others were looking on the other way.

no news! where is she? i can feel her pain. near. i just know she is near.

"lord sin. we found her " said darin.

i hurried.

daskoff was kneeling at her. the blood. my katherinas blood all over.

i heard her say. "david love. are you now here to fetch me?"

i heard daskoff said with agony."sweetheart let me now tell you how sorry i am"

he bit her. "no! katherina!"

i took her from him.

"im sorry cousin. its a direct order from the king"

the king?

"he said that if theres no one to protect & turned her. i have to do so. i have to be his mate."

i hissed. "you cant have her!"

we lock gaze. "then turned her. if you wont complete the cycle. she will die. i rather her be mine! orders or not. decide now!"

i look at her so pale. the king is now interested in her!? daskoff wants to take her!?

i caress her face she opened her eyes. confuse "lord sin?" she cough blood.

"katherina they cant.take you- away." her eyes widen as i bit her.

'your mine! mine! all mine! do you hear? my blood & my body is calling you'

'lord sin!' she didnt realize that she is speaking to me in mind

'david! are you leaving?'

'katherina. i.cant.let.you.go. not for your husband. not even for you'

i slash my wrist i took my own blood and force her to drink in my mouth. take it love.

'damn you david! you cant take her there'

for the first time i totally embrace being the beasts i am. "now your husband wont keep you away from me. mine! mine" her heart is pumping. pain.i know she is in pain. the cycle is starting. i kissed her. like theres no tomorrow. i burried my face in her hair as i whisper.

"katherina your life for my soul.you just have to continue the earlier bargain. be my servant as long as we live. you just have to stay were i can easily find you. where i can easily touch you. because even if i died with you. i can never go to heaven. be with me on this life & the fires of hell will worth it"

after a long tiring conversion

she whisper.. "sin i take your soul back. i freely give you everthing whats mine. ill serve you even in hells of fire"

i nod. "forever then"


i was kneeling. as i said "i failed

on my mission.. i didnt arrive on time"

i was facing the king. he was on the shadows theres blinds so his face wont be seen. the princess was in his sides. she was our previous queen reincarnated. only trustworthy being knows these. the two council were at the sides.

"you did arrive on time" said the princess.

did i? i saw the aftermat they have done to katherina. the innocent katherina.

the princess continued. "sybil stop blaming yourself. i told you before you cant stop fate"

ive never seen sybil so quiet before. "your wrong Roza. ill definitely would stop it!" sybil left.

the king stands. he look at the princess & kneel "sister you cant stop the war this time im afraid."

the princess didnt speak.

the king hugs her then he stands again to give his command

"everyone prepare the hunt. if we were considerate before. this time we wont stop. we will clean it all" roar the king.

the blood bath will begin once again.


theres something wrong with her. i just know it "sybil"

she look at me. the tough witch. she is so weak now & fragile. she went straight in my arms. i feel- ease? something went right. "devil help me. please." she plea

the proud witch is begging. ill give her anything. "sybil tell me" i kiss her head. she has me in her hands now. i know its not a potion nor a spell. she was under my skin from some reason.

i was surprise at what she reveal as she continued "i dont want to give up our baby. i cant do it. i want my baby with me! dev help me. i dont want my baby seperate from me. tell me dev. ill do everything. please lets save our baby"

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