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sybil took me in. i was surprise daskoff helped me. yes the man in blue robe was daskoff. he keeps complaining to Sybil not to use him again.

"i am not a toy Sybil." he said like speaking a brother to a sister. "you could have request to have my cooperation."

i frowned. "it means you were force?" i asks.

Sybil smiled. "of corse, i drug him to make him do what i want."

i thank them but i cant help not to worry on daskoff behalf.

they insist i dont.

why is my heart feeling like these. like im empty. sometimes i dream of him. at times i thought i hear him with agony. i shook my head. i should stop this madness!

Its already 2 months since i escape and 2 long months without good sleep.

"sybil, is this day your birthday?'

she keep saying that this day is special. she even insist i wear this beautiful dress. im starting to like Sybil. she was not that bad. She live in a grand mansion.

i thought she will not answer me. 

she put down her tea cup

"oh no dear. i just have special guests arrives today." she smiled.

is that me & daskoff? but we were here for very long.

"katherina, dear." she holds my hand. "do you consider me friend? enough to trust me with everything?"

why do i have a feeling that my answer was so important.

yes. i told her everything about me. she accepted me. i felt like i known her forever. she was like a sister like lissa.

i nod.


i was enjoying my tea cup with Kat & daskoff.

katherina gave me her trust. i must put on a good show.

daskoff felt it.

he sigh. " i never thought this day would come soon. Sybil you could have warned me." he complained.

katherina was confuse.

"oh didnt i tell you? it must slip my mind." i look at kat "do not hate me young one."

they appear. daskoff continue having his tea.

"my my my. 3 brothers have come to join. too bad the three of you are not invited."

15 guards were at the position to attack the three.

i was amuse at my minions. i never told them to protect me or anything. they just did. i shook my head. they resume there post but still prepared for battle.

kat was scared. poor child.


2 months i was out of my mind unable to see her. feel her. 

i was lost that i want every village search as i hunt Sybil who took my kat away from me. she was mine! my katherina! i wanted her life! i want her death! my body was shaking in frustration. i was worried? angry? i want her in all being i am.

now i look every corner of her. if she is harm. then i saw the man next to him!

"daskoff! traitor-"

"i added him as one of my collection. he is useful." Sybils voice bring me back to reality.

"your controling him" kyle observe.

i look at katherina. my katherina. is she too was controlled?


"bring katherina & daskoff to me!" sin demand

my brothers were at the edge. sin took the mortal as his.

"daskoff" she smiled. "isnt it katherina lovely." she taunt.

that bitch! i hold sin. "sin calm down. if you wont the woman will die. daskoff holds a knife. if Sybil instruct him to kill her. daskoff would do so without hesitation."

"what do you want Sybil." brother dev asks.

"ooh dev, i dont want anything. katherina wishes is my command" i look at the mortal kat. she is not drugged or anything.

"she wants escape & here i am giving her what she wish."

dev move forward.

then suddenly.

sin fell.

kat gasps. "my lord!"

Sybil continue drinking tea while checking the stitches shes doing."oh sin. did i forgot to tell you that. i am the one who rescued you in the brink of death after you save your sister? how is roza by the way?" it means he holds sins life. she also have the power to our sister Roza.


i cant do a thing. everything is calculated here. she figured it all out.

"you said your helping the mortal but is this what she really wants?"

Sybil looks at me. "fine. go asks her your self." she shrugged. "why do i feel a villain in here?

sin screamed.

the mortal cried & cried. "stop please Sybil. oh please."

she looks at sin. "i want to stay here my lord. please go home. i am nor brought here against my wish. i was here willingly. i was not harmed or anything"

sybil clap her hands. "see. its all settled. she stays." she smiled. "daskoff will you remove your cloak & give it to katherina she seems cold."

sin snarl! he looks at them with muderous eyes. "if you wont leave. then i will stay"

something is not right! what else is she hiding?

sybil just smiled. "very well. i will have the guest room prepared. how many of you?"

"only me & sin." i said.

kyle understood he have to do some investigation.

i will figure it out Sybil. i will have you pay for it!

164 years this witch messing with me! it frustrates me! i still dont know what she wants!

she smiled at me knowing something i dont. blasts that woman!


sigh.. if leighton meester is sybil. wouldnt it been nice to watch it =)

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