Chapter 1

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Harry's point of view.

I walked through the hall of our school and was greeted from pretty much all of them there. I just smiled at them because to be honest I only know the name of my nearest mates, Zayn and Niall. I opened my locker when I got to it and pulled out my books for English. My locker was being slammed shut just as I had got my books out. I looked beside me to see no other then Zayn standing there smirking at me. "Was that necessary?" I asked pointing towards the now closed locker. "We have a new English teacher" Zayn said ignoring my question about why he slammed my locker shut. "And that is more important then me losing a hand, why?" I sassed still mad about almost having my hand squeezed to death between the lockers. "They say that he only is twenty-four years old" Zayn say lifting his eyebrows up and down. "So?" I answered because was he really implying that I would have a fling with a teacher? I may bang a lot of strange people but when it comes to a teacher, well there is where I draw the line. "He is a real hottie" Zayn say and turns around and start walking to English with me right behind him. "Have you seen him?" I asked Zayn which he nodded to. "Oh yeah and you should see his bum, like holy shit" Yeah if you hadn't notice yet, Zayn is gay. It's nothing wrong with it, I mean this school is quite open and accepting about gays. I myself swing for both team. I don't like to label myself so we'll just say that I swing for both team right now. I looked at him and shook my head. "What" He said and turned around to walk backwards so he could look at me while he talked. "It is so round and firm. It is quite feminine though. He is really short so I'm sure he doesn't top in bed." I rolled my eyes and playfully punched his shoulder. He laughed and turned back around when we arrived to the right room. We stepped in to the room a little too late and my eyes fell on a male with blue eyes and brown feather sweept hair who seemed to be a bit older then myself. I looked him over and I guess this is the hottie Zayn was talking about and he wasn't kidding about his bum. I took my seat with Zayn at the back and continued to look him over. "Right, now that these lad decided to join us," The blue eyed man said looking over at us. "I am your new English teacher and my name is Louis Tomlinson, but for you guys it's Mr. Tomlinson." Blue eyed man or Mr. Tomlinson said. "Any question before we start" He asked and looked over everyone in the classroom. I raised my hand and his eyes landed on me. "Yeah curly" He said and I smiled at him. "Are you single?" Mr. Tomlinson shook his head. "I meant questions about this lesson not my life, but yes I am single. Now are there any question involving this lesson?" He asked again and everyone was quiet. "Okay well then we can start"


"You were right" Was the first thing I said when we left the class room. "Of course I was, I'm always right" Zayn said with a cocky smile playing on his lips. I shook my head and bumped his shoulder with my own when I walked past him. "Not always my friend, not always" I said over dramatically as we separated to go to our own classes. I met up with Niall after I had gone to get my History things. "Hey man" Niall greeted me as I leaned on the locker beside his. "Hello to you too good sir" I smiled cheekily at him. "Okay what happened?" Niall said dropping his smile. "Why do you assume that it's something bad?" I asked as we started to walk towards our classroom. "Nothing is ever good when it comes to you" Niall said and I smiled bigger. "Oh I'm sure something is good I mean you were a moaning mess." Niall hit my shoulder to get me to shut up and gave me a stern look "We agreed to never talk about that, plus you weren't that good I just threw in a couple of extra moans to help your confident" Niall said with his smile back on his lips again. "psh like I need any more confident then I already have" I said and threw my invisible hair over my shoulder. Niall laughed at that but agreed with me.


School was over and I walked towards my car at the end of the parking lot. I un locked the car when I was close enough but stopped in my tracks when I saw the man I now had memorized in my head, Mr. Tomlinson. He was struggling to get a box in to his car and I argued with myself if I should go and help him but Instead I shook my head and got in to my car and drove home. I parked my car in the garage when I got home and locked it. I shouted out an "I'm home" but no one answered so I guess that I'm alone. I walk in to the kitchen and dropped my bag in a chair as I looked through the fridge for something to eat. I decided on left over from yesterday. I easily warmed it up and sat at the kitchen table to eat. I placed the plate in the sink when I was done and went up the stairs and straight to my room. I dumped my school bag on the floor somewhere and threw myself on the bed were I had my laptop. I opened the lid of the laptop and went straight to Facebook and twitter to see if it were some party on this weekend. A bunch of people had message me on Facebook and I had 5 dm's on Twitter. I checked the Twitter one first consider there was less there, but I didn't find any interesting. I checked Facebook and it was mostly messages from girls but one stood out. I opened the message from Zayn and smiled when I saw what he had typed.

"Party at Luke's house at 8 pm, you in?"

"Of course, be at yours in twenty"

I typed back and clicked send. I jumped up and walked towards my wardrobe to choose some clothes. I pulled out a pair of black skinny jeans, a white V-neck and briefs and placed them on my bed. I looked over at the clock, 6.25. I have 10 minutes until I have to drive to Zayn. I really have to take a shower so I guess it doesn't hurt to be a little late. I pulled my shirt over my head and threw it in the hamper in the bathroom. I pulled off my skinny jeans and threw them in there too. I turned the shower on and felt on the water with my hand to make sure it's the right temperature before I step in. I stepped in to the shower when it was hot enough.

I turned off the water when I had rinsed out the conditioner. I dried myself and my hair quickly with the towel. I walked over to my bed with the towel around my waist. I pulled on the briefs that lied on the bed and then my skinny jeans. I threw the towel in the hamper and went back over to the bed and pulled on my shirt. I walked over to my body length mirror and just pushed my towel dried hair to the side and decided that it will dry nicer without a hairdryer. I took my phone out of my charger and walked downstairs. I looked at the clock on the wall as I walked past the kitchen, 7.15. Oh I know someone who will get a lot of shit for this. I unlocked my car and sat down in the driver seat. I ran my hands down my face and started up my car and headed to Zayn place. I was there in 5 minutes and I'm sure I broke a couple laws. "Don't you know the clock or why the fuck are you so late!?" Zayn yelled as he opened the passenger's seat door and climbed in. "I'm only a half hour late, chill. No one ever arrive early to a party anyway" I said calmly and Niall climbed in at the back before I backed out of Zayn's driveway. "ONLY? It's an hour drive to Luke" Zayn said and I laughed under my breath at how panicked he is. "Yeah well then we won't be those losers who end up at a party early, or even better there will be more people later then earlier." I said trying to cheer him up which seemed to work. "Yeah your right" Zayn said and it was quiet the whole ride to Luke's place after that.

I killed the engine when we arrived and stepped out of car. I walked over to the front door which was opened so I just invited myself in with Zayn and Niall right behind me. Okay we are one hour late from when the party were originally starting and there were already people past out on the floor. I sighed and stepped over the bodies on the floor and headed for the kitchen where I hope the alcohol is. I smiled when I saw the bottle with clear vodka in, today I am going to get smashed. "Bottle up" I said turning around to Zayn and Niall. I smiled as I took the bottle that was half full and chugged it. I grimaced after the bottle left my lips but smiled at Zayn and Niall. Zayn shook his head and patted my back and said that he'll try to find his girlfriend. I took two empty red cups and poured the last vodka in them as well as some red bull from the fridge. I turned around and faced Niall with a smile. I offered Niall one cup and when he took it I slung an arm around his shoulder. "Let's find some hot girls, mate" I said But Niall shrugged my arm off. "I think that I'll be your ride home tonight" He said placing the cup down on the table and looked around the room before meeting my gaze. "Alright, well if you find me starting to hit on guys then drag me home, will you" I winked at him before I disappeared in to the crowd.

I'll update next chapter when I get 2 votes and 1 comment, I do this to see if anyone really read and like this so make sure to vote and maybe leave a comment if you like this and want more.


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