Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Louis point of view.

I stared blankly at the TV from the couch where I was sitting with a Ben and Jerry (Ice cream) in my hand and three beer bottles on the table, two empty and one half full. I don't know what movie it is on the TV, I had just turned it on when I got home, opened a beer bottle and took my Ice cream and planted my bum on the couch.

I haven't moved for two hours. I putted a spoon full of ice cream in my mouth as the front door opened. I looked over to see Liam peeking his head in to the living room. His featured soften when he saw me and toed out of his shoes. He came over and sat beside me, placing an arm around my shoulder, bringing me closer to him.

"What's wrong, boo?" Liam asked as he kissed my forehead softly. And that was all it took for me to start crying. Liam brought his other arm around me so he was hugging me to his chest. I took his shirt in my hand and placed my face in his neck. I couldn't stop crying even if I knew that crying wouldn't solve anything. I have always been the strong one who doesn't cry but this time the tears were pouring down my face like a waterfall.

Liam whispered sweet nothing in my ears, saying everything will be okay, but I wasn't so sure of about that. I loved that Liam didn't pressure me to talking. He just hugged me closer to his chest and sat with me the whole night, caressing my hair and whispering things in my ear 'till I fell asleep.


I woke up on my own bed the morning after and felt like shit. I felt a slight pain in my head when I turned around to check my alarm clock on the table beside my bed. 10.43 It said and I threw the covers off of me and sat up.

I stayed on the bed with my head in my hands for a while, the headache became worse when I had made such a drastic move. I turned my head to the table again and saw a glass of water with two advils. I took the advils in my head and swallowed them and then gulped the water down. I placed the glass back on the table and saw a little note beside it.

God morning!

I called you in sick and made you some breakfast, it's in the oven.

I'll be home right after work so we can talk.

Don't go anywhere.

- Liam Xx

I smiled at the note Liam had left. I can't believe I ended up with such an amazing friend like him. I stood up, feeling the headache slowly ease up. I walked straight to the bathroom without taking clothes with me. I really need a shower righty now ease my tense body.


I heard a knock at the door as I stepped out of the shower. I groaned but still was curious about who it might be, so I draped the towel around my waist and walked down the stairs to the front door. I swung the door opened, coming face to face with a panting Harry.

Harry's point of view.

I stood in the parking lot a good 10 minutes after Louis had driven away. I can't believe Louis found out. This wasn't how I imagined him founding out. I felt bad about making the bet ever since the first kiss we shared. I wanted to tell him because I knew it would come out anyway and I really don't want to have a relationship with him that's going to be devolved on a lie. But I didn't think he would over hear mine and Zayn's conversation. I feel so awful right now.

I have developed strong feelings for Louis and for him to call me asshole and disgusting was like getting a knife stabbed in to your heart. I rather would have had the knife in my heart because it wouldn't hurt as long. I closed my eyes as I felt a tear run down my face. I wiped it away furiously and started to walk towards my own car. I need to fix this and I need to fix it now. I can't bear to be without him. When I got home I rushed up to my room ignoring my mom in the kitchen wondering how my day was. I threw my bag on the floor and threw myself on my bed. Time to do some research.


I stood outside what I'm hoping is Louis apartment. Its lunch break and I drove here as fast I could, if I have to miss the two last lesson for this then it's worth it, as long as he forgive me or at least believe me or listen to what I have to say. If google wasn't lying then this is his apartment whom he is supposed to share with Liam Payne. I just hope Liam isn't home. I walked up to the door and pushed it opened and walked straight over to the elevator. I groaned when I saw the note sitting on the elevator door.

Out of order!

I found the stairs and bolted up, taking two step at a time. I finally reached the top and glanced over the name on the doors until I found the L Tomlinson/L Payne. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door waiting for an answer. I just hope I'm not too late, I did wait a whole day but I had to find out where he lived and what to say. My thoughts were interrupted by the door opening. There Louis stood in front of me in only a towel dangerously low on his hip. And suddenly all I had thought about saying disappeared.


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