Chapter 7

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Louis' point of view Not edited

I woke up by the temperature in the room that is too hot, and thinking that I had woken up before my alarm made me stay in bed think about how I could ignore Harry from now on without actually him noticing it.
I sighed when I thought that I can't exactly ignore him because he is my student for god sake. I turned around lazily looking at my phone. My eyes widened when I saw the number telling me I had overslept.
"Fuck" I said before jumping out of bed going straight for the bathroom, brushing my teeth. I skipped the much needed hot shower and ran down stairs. I took my bag and keys. I ran out to the car after I had putted on my shoes and jacket and drove to Starbucks. I really in need for a cup of coffee.
In the quiet car my thoughts went back to Harry. Okay I really have to stop going in to Harry's traps. He obviously flirt with me because it would be cool to brag to your friends that you have hooked up with your teacher, but that is not going to happen.


It's Monday which mean another week working in the school with dreadful teenagers, but I can do it. I always do. I walked towards my classroom with a coffee from Starbucks in my hand. I slept in and didn't have time for breakfast, so I picked up Starbucks at the way here.

I hate that they can't get your name right a single time there. Especially when they say Lewis instead of Louis, I mean how hard is it to know that the "s" is silent? With a deep sigh, I enter the room going straight to my desk, not caring about my surrounding. I placed my bag by my desk and sat down on the chair. I took a sip from my coffee and placed it on the desk. I scanned my eyes over my desk looking for the papers I forgot last Friday.
I hummed when I found them. I held the schedule for the drama classes I have to teach. I have two classes today and both are at the end of the day. That is good 'cause the kids in that class is calmer than those in my English class.

"So are you always this focus to not even notice some in the same room as you?" I jumped a bit at the sudden familiar voice. "Harry? I asked looking up from the schedule in my hand to get confirmation that it was in fact Harry siting at the front row. "What are you doing here? Class doesn't start for like another 10 minutes." I said placing my elbows on the desk and my chin in my hands. "I came here to visit you" He said like it was obvious, standing up walking towards me.

"Came to visit me?" I asked surprised. "Yeah I mean I have to talk to you about how unfair you graded me" Harry said with a cheeky smile on his kissable lips. Stop it! "What test?" I just asked when Harry was in front of my desk. He placed a paper on my desk and I took it from him. I scanned through the paper to see it was last week prepare test. "I'm sorry but you do deserve the D- Harry. You have to work on your writing skills. You can't just answer yes or no you have to give deeper answer." I said giving his paper back.
Harry smirked at me and mumbled something that sounded like, "I deserved the D" but I shrugged it off like nothing. "Teach me then"

"We have talk about this, Harry I don't think you're in the need for a tutor plus I'm not a tutor." I said firmly. Sure I would have loved to spend my time outside the school with him but that is not a very good idea to be alone with him. I have to constantly remember myself that he is my student I'm his teacher. "I am though" He said and I huffed and decided to ignore him.

I placed the paper for today's notes but was stopped as a hand snatched them out of my hand. I looked up at him in frustration and he smiled a bright smile back. "In Drama, I'm failing in Drama and I heard that you're really good in that" He said walking around the desk so he stood beside me. I gulped as he jumped up on the desk and stared down at me. "Uh I um" Harry smirked at my struggle to complete a whole sentence. "Plus" He said leaning down closer to my face. "I absolutely love a man in charge" My gaze went down to his lips to see him slowly wetting his dry lips.

I swallowed hard as Harry leaned closer and closer. It was like I was frozen to the spot, not being able to move, plus I really want to have Harry's plump lips on my thin ones. Just as Harry's lips touched my lips, there was a knock on the closed door and I panicked pushing Harry down on the floor. "Oh shit" I said helping Harry up. "Take your seat" I said when he was on his feet.

I went over and un-locked the classroom door letting the students in. I turned around going over to Harry and making sure he saw me as I whispered, "Stay after class". I walked back to my desk giving them the assignment for today. As the student worked including Harry this time, I couldn't forget the almost kiss and that I just let it happened.

The chapters are only getting shorter and shorter and I'm so sorry but I'm starting to lose interest for this story so as you may see I have started up I new fan fiction called, All In My Head, Which is going to be a short story on about 15 chapters. I think I'm going to shorting this story down or just stop writing it, it depends on how many that s really reading and enjoying it.

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