Chapter 4

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Louis point of view.

“Hey what are you doing here?” I asked Harry.

”I came to talk to you” He said like it was the most obviously thing in the world.

“Alright” I said putting the papers that I held in my hand and gave him my full attention.

“So I was think that I need a private tutor” Harry said, leaning in front of me on my desk. “But you’re not failing” I said feeling like he was on to something.  “No I’m not but like for me to stay… at the top?” He stated but it sounded more like he was questing me. “Well I’m sorry Harry but I’m not a tutor nor are you failing my subject so I can’t help you” I said with a little smile and continued my work for next class. I heard a sigh and then heave feet moving towards the door.

I looked up in to see the door connecting with door frame with a bang. I brought a hand up to my face and rubbed in frustrating. I can’t deal with these teenagers and their mood swings. I sat straight up when I heard the door open again and the student’s walked in. I stood up and walked on front of my desk when everyone was seated. “Okay class today we’ll work with verbs. Adjectives and noun but first let’s check who’s here and who’s not.


I placed the paper pile with the homework’s from the students that I collected at last period in my bag. I stood up from my chair and took my jacket from the backrest of my chair. I slung the jacket on me and checked in my pockets to be sure that I have everything before walking out of the school grounds.

I walked out of my classroom and walked towards the front door of the school. Pushed the door open and was met with cold air. I pulled the jacket tighter and walked fast to my car that is at the end of the parking lot. It had already started to get dark even if it only was 6pm but it’s fall so it’s not that strange that it is dark out at this time. 

I had stayed longer than I usually should because of a last minute meeting with the principle about my work. I pulled out my key when I got to my car and unlocked. I opened the car door and threw my bag in the passenger seat as I sat down in the driver seat. Backed out of the school’s parking lot and drove towards I and my flat mate’s apartment.

I got there in no time and rushed in to get away from the cold. “Honey I’m home” I yelled with a big smile on my face. Zayn came out of the kitchen and gave me a glare as I tip toed out my shoes. “Don’t call me that ever again.” He said but smiled right after. “So how did tour second day go?” He asked walking back in to the kitchen with me right behind. “It actually went better then yesterday” I said walking over to the fridge to look for something to eat.

“You sound surprise” Zayn said. Sitting down by the table with a tea cup. “Is there any left?” I asked and Zayn pointed to the stove. I took out a cup and a tea bag. I poured water and milk in to my cup and sat in front of Zayn by the table. “Yeah I didn’t think that Eleanor’s tips would work I mean it wasn’t like they was listening to me but they were quiet.” I said pointing my spoon at him before dipping it down in my tea cup and swirling it around.

“Well that is an improvement”

“Yeah” I said and sipped my tea. It was quiet after that until we both had drank up our tea. “I’m going to my room. I have some paper to correct.” I said placing my cup in the sink and went straight to my room. I placed the paper pile on my desk and threw myself on my bed. A little nap could be good right now.


I stretched my hands above my head and looked over at the clocked on my bedside table. 7.35. I jumped out of bed, a little too fast. I got stuck in the blanket and fell face first on the floor. I groaned but stood quickly and walked to my wardrobe. I grabbed the first clothes I found and ran in to the bathroom. I dressed myself in the clothes that I had randomly taken and brushed my teeth and hair. I hurried down the hall of the small flat and took an apple on the way out. I un-locked the car and drove a bit over the speeding limit to get to the school in time. I checked the clock when I parked my car and hurried into the school. My class are suppose the start now. I turned the last corner to my classroom but slammed in to a body which made me drop all paper. “What the fu-“ I stopped myself from cursing in the school and started to collect my papers. “Look where you are going”

I looked up to see Harry standing above me. “I’m sorry I thought you were someone else.” He said squatting down to help me collect the paper. “Well you shouldn’t be mean to anyone and aren’t you suppose to be in class?” I said when I had every paper again. “You weren’t there so was the point of being in class if the teacher isn’t there? And I’ll work on that” Harry said with a cheeky smirk playing on his lips. “You do that” I said walking past him, hurrying to my class who’s been waiting long enough.  “And get to class” I said before closing the door and looked over at the students. “I’m sorry I’m late, I was in a meeting” I lied quickly not to get them to say anything to the principle. I don’t want to lose my job that I just got.

“Turn to page 45 in your text book. You’ll read from 45 to 50 and answer the question on page 51. I want the answer in after this class, any questions?” I asked and sat down in front of my desk, wanting the class just to be over. “Alright get to work!” I said when no one raised their hand. The door opened and Harry stepped in. “Take a seat and read through page 45 to 50 and answer the question on page 51!” I said looking down on the papers of homework that I didn’t correct last night. I sighed not really in the mood to correct papers. I looked over the students in the classroom and stopped at Harry at the back. He had his feet on the desk in front of him and his phone out. 

I decided not to care about whether he do the question or not. It is his future he is throwing away. My eyes lingered a little too long on Harry but I couldn’t help to notice his tongue poking out of the side of his mouth as he tapped away on his phone. It was and dare I say it, cute but I shouldn’t think about my student like this and absolutely not a jerk like him. Okay that was mean of me. Maybe it his way of being nice, even if I don’t believe that. God I need to stop think about Harry. I flickered my eyes away from him and looked at the other students but my eyes still drifted of and landed on Harry at the end.


Not very long chapter this either but I updated. Vote and comment it helps me a lot.

Teacher ❤ Student (Larry)Currently being edited!Where stories live. Discover now