Chapter 11

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Louis point of view.

My first thought was to slam the door in his face but as I tried to, his foot came in between the door and the doorframe. "Move it or I'll break it" I threated but Harry pushed the door open with his hands. "Please I just want to talk" He said through the little opening he had created while I tried to push it close on the other side. Keyword tried. Unlucky me, he is much stronger than me. "No Harry, you have had your fun. Now leave me alone." I said laying my whole weight on the door but he still managed to keep it open.

"Please Louis it's a huge misunderstanding" Harry said voice normal, it's like he's not even trying to hold  the door open. He just stands there while I am pushing as much as I can. "So you didn't make a bet with your friends involving me?" I asked and it was quiet on the other side of the door before Harry pushed the door fully open. "Okay I made a bet but that was before I knew you. We just wanted to have fun." I snorted. "Yeah that will help you get on my good side." I said glaring at him. "I didn't mean it like that" Harry said and pushed his hand through his hair, walking in and taking a seat on my couch. "Yeah sure come in" I said sarcastically slamming the door shut, the sound of the door hitting the doorframe echoed through the whole apartment. And I probably will get some complains but I couldn't be bothered with that right now.

I stood in the doorframe to my living room watching Harry on the couch with my arm crossed over my stomach. "I did make a bet-" I interrupted Harry with a short laugh, even though I didn't find any of this funny. "Yeah I already know that! Is there anything else you would like to throw in my face while you're still here" I spat. Harry sighed again and stood up. "Please Louis just listen before you interrupt again" I huffed but nodded anyway.

"Well you was the new teacher and everyone thought you were hot. So at a Party we played truth or Dare and I of course picked dare. I have never turned down a dare and when they said that I should get you to sleep with me I couldn't say no. But what I felt for you, I still do is more than just lust Louis, you got to believe me. I was never going to continue the dare. I tried to get Zayn and the other to let it go, they did..." He said trailing of at the end.

"But not Zayn?" I guessed and Harry nodded. "Yeah, I would never do that to you, not to anyone. I was raised better than that. Louis?" Harry said taking a step closer so he was standing in front of me. "I would never hurt you..." He said placing a hand on my shoulder but he dropped when he saw that I tensed under his touch. I saw tears gather in his eyes as he met my gaze. "I love you" He said letting a tear escape his eyes. I looked away from the scene in front of me and focused on the wall behind him instead.

What if he just says all of this to get me back on his good side so he can continue the bet? Could he ever regain my trust? I don't want to be in a relationship were I'm going to be afraid all the time. But it did seem like he was telling the truth. He looked totally heart broken. Harry took my silence that I still hated him and nodded slowly. "Okay, I get it" He said slowly and turned towards the door. I looked back at him, watching him reaching the door.

I know I'm probably going to regret my decision but I don't want him out of my life and I do think I love him too. I sighed and took long strides towards him. I grabbed his wrist and turned him around to face me.

"Don't make me regret this!" I said before leaning in and capturing his lower lip in between mine. Harry didn't hesitate a second before he was kissing me back. The kiss was slow and it was so much passion in it. I was putting all my emotion in to the kiss. Harry ran his hand up my chest slowly and when he reached my face, he cupped my cheeks. I hope he really don't make me regret this because I'm giving him my heart now and I don't think I can pick up the pieces if he breaks it. I pulled away from the kiss and placed my forehead on his. Our breath was uneven and I could feel Harry's breath hitting my lips.

"You won't regret this, I promise" Harry said giving me his cute dimple smile. I smiled back at him. Even though I was still unsure about my decision I couldn't help but feel that I made the right one.

The End.

Woop woop Larry kiss! I'm so sorry for being gone for I don't even know how long but I got sick for a week and when I got back to school I had tons of things to do. So I'm going to end the book here because I don't feel like having it any longer or add more drama so I thought that this would be a good ending. I may write an epilouge, so comment if you want me to write one.   Comment if you want an epilogue and I'll have it up soon. I'll post here if there will be one up so keep it in your library.

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