Chapter 3

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Louis point of view.

I walked in to the new school that I now will be working in. I was relieved when they said I got the job, considering how young I’m. I glanced down at the paper in my hand and up to the doors that I past. I just need to find my room that I’ll be teaching in which seem really hard because right now it seems like I’m going in the wrong direction. I groaned and turned around bumping into someone. “I’m so sorry” I said and the raven haired guy I just had bumped into just grinned. “It’s alright babe, I’m Zayn! Are you new in school I have never seen you before?” He asked and I felt my cheek heat up. Do I look that young? “I’m-“ I stopped my sentence and cough because my voice was so high. “I’m actually the new English teacher, Louis Tomlinson” I said and Zayn’s smile only grew. “Well that was about time they got I hot teacher” I coughed again and rubbed the back of my neck. I don’t have anything against gay guys, I’m bi myself but when a guy is openly flirting with you and a student for the matter. “Yeaaaah, do you happened to know where the English classroom is?” I asked hoping to get away from the overly flirty guy. “Yeah it’s right there” He said pointing behind me to a door where the number for the door I was looking for stood clearly. “Ohh ha-ha well thanks…, Zen” I said turning around and hurry to the door. “It’s Zayn actually” I heard before I closed the door. I leaned on the closed door for a second to just process what happened. I sighed and walked over to my desk at the front of the room. I set down my bag by the desk and take out the schedule for the day. I look from the paper up to the clock and sigh in relief that the lesson doesn’t start for 15 min. I go over my little speech that I worked on, on the way here. The time flew away and soon everyone was seated. I closed the door and stood at the front. “Hello class my-“ I was cut off by the door opening and the guy from before,  Zayn walked in with a curly headed guy. “Right, now that these lads decided to join us.” I said waiting for them to take a seat.  “I’m your new English teacher, Louis Tomlinson but you’ll of course call me Mr. Tomlinson. Any question before we start?” I asked looking over the class. The curly headed guy that came late raised it his hand. “Yeah curly” I don’t know why I said curly but I don’t know anyone’s name. That would be good if I took presence too. “Are you single?” He said with a smirk. I shook my head and answered, “I meant about this lesson not my life, but yes I’m single. Now are there any question involving this lesson?” I asked again and everyone was quiet. “Okay well then we can start”


After what felt like a whole day but really was a lesson on 80 min was end I felt like quitting and just screaming. It was never this bad when I went to school, hope not any way. No one, absolutely no one listen or cared about me trying to talk. I sat down on my chair behind the desk and placed my elbows on the desk and my head in my head. “Bad first day?” I snapped my head back up to the doorway where a women in maybe her late 20 stood. “No it’s not so bad-“ I tried to seem happier and positive but she cut me off with a laugh. ”Oh darling, it looks like you’re ready to cry but don’t worry I had a hard time when I first started here too. So I thought I could help you settle in and get the kids to actually show you a bit of respect.” She said with a smile on her lips as she walk into the classroom. I smiled back at her. “Thank you that would be great, Im Louis by the way.” I said because I could really need some help because if the class is going to act like that the whole year then I will probably go crazy. “I’m Eleanor, I can start of by showing you were the lunch room is because this tummy has been shouting for food since I arrived.” She said patting her stomach that had a little bump. I would ask her if she was pregnant but I didn’t because I still remember the last time I asked someone who wasn’t. I didn’t end well. “Yeah sure” I said standing up and following her out. We walked into the lunch room and it was already full but Eleanor told me that the teacher had special table, so not to worry about not getting a seat. We eat and got to know a bit of each other. She was in fact pregnant and happily married to her husband Charles. After lunch she showed me around the school and stopped at my home class room. “Thank you for showing me around and for the tips of how to handle the kids a bit better.” I said as I sat down on my chair, getting ready for next class. “You’re welcome but if you ever need help with anything, you know where to find me” She said with a smile and a quiet bye as I had reassured her that I would.



The first lesson flew by quickly. Eleanor’s tips actually worked and the senior listen to me. I went through what I’m going to say before next class comes in but I was interrupted by the door opening. I looked up expecting that Eleanor to be here asking how my second class with the senior went but it surprised me to see the curly headed boy, Harry standing there.


It’s so short but I wanted to update because I had totally forgot about this story with all my work in school but I’m going to try updating once a week from now on!

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