Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Sorry in advance for misspelling I wrote these two chapter fast

Louis point of view

I didn’t sleep at all last night. My thoughts were on Harry the whole time, even in my dreams. It’s Tuesday today which means that I don’t have Harry in any of my classes. I wanted to be relieved but I couldn’t bring myself to even lie that I was to myself. I craved Harry, my body craved Harry.

He is like my drug and I have gotten a drug addict to him. I have had two classes so far and I just made them do easy question in the book, too far in my thoughts to care about the students. It’s lunch now and I’m going through the hall carelessly towards the café when I saw a curly head sticking out from the crowd. My feet’s automatically walked faster and in the direction to him without me thinking through it.

I grabbed his head and dragged him in to the janitor closet he had just past. “Dude, you can’t ju-“ I cut him off by plating my lips on his, desperately moving my lips. I waited for him to move his lips with mines but he stayed still and then made me realize what I had just done. I pulled away quickly.

I caught Harry’s shocked face before I turned to the door. I didn’t have time to open the door because before I did, I was being spinned around and pressed up to the door. His lips met my lips again but this time he moved his lips with mines. I moaned as he pressed his tongue at the roof at my mouth.

Our tongue danced perfectly together. He placed his hand on my bum and lifted my up, pressing his body closer to me. I placed my hands in his hair as he moved his lips down to my neck, sucking and nibbling at the base of my neck. I let a moan slip out of my mouth and Harry moaned too as I pulled lightly on his hair.

Harry’s hands went under my shirt and felling up my abs. I sucked in a quick breath and took out his hand, pushing him away lightly. “We’re in a school” I gasped out and Harry smirked at me. “The let’s finish this at your place?” I chuckled at him and took away his hands from my bum, letting myself being placed to my feet again.

“You’re not getting that lucky, Styles” I said winking at him. I fixed my hair quickly and walked out of the door. I walked back to my room with a smile on my face, the lunch all forgotten.


The next day wasn’t any easier to concentrate than the day before. All I could think about was Harry’s lips pressed on my neck. I looked up when the door opened and Harry came in through the door. He looked the door and slowly came over to me.

“I have missed you” He said placing each knee on my sides. I smiled at him and he returned the smile. He leaned down and captured my lips between his in a messy kiss. I placed my hand on the back of his neck and slowed down the kiss a bit. I felt his tongue poke at my lips but I ignored him, not really wanting to snog at school grounds.

I shouldn’t even kiss a student at all but here I am doing it any way. I broke the kiss and placed my forehead on his. “Hi” I breathed out and Harry broke out in a cheeky smile. “Hi” He said giving me a quick peck on the lips. He stood up going around the desk and siting down on a chair at the front row. He always sits at the back so I don’t know why he choose to sit at the front now.

“Just so I can keep an eye on you” He said winking. I smiled at him, shaking my head slowly. I think I actually can see myself falling for him and I’m not going to let a law keep me from him. He is worth breaking a law. Is what I thought but all that is soon going to chance for both of us.

Sorry for not updating and sorry for it being so short. I truly feel horrible for not updating. Two updates today so I will post the second soon. Comment and vote.

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