Chapter 9

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Chapter 9.

Louis point of view

I walked through the halls with a bright smile on my lips, Harry on my mind. I couldn’t help but smile when I thought about the tall curly haired boy. We only know each other for a short amount of time but I could actually say that I feel something near love for him, if I’m not already in love with him.

I rounded the corner to the cafeteria as it is Lunch now. I stopped when I saw the man that has been on my mind for the past month but he wasn’t alone, so I stopped myself from going to him and stayed still were I was. I took a steep back though so I wasn’t noticeable for the two lads. I heard their conversation clear but I didn’t know what actually what they were talking about. From what I made out, they were talking about a bet and that it should end soon. I leaned closer when the two lads started to whisper.

“Shut up, the whole school doesn’t have to know.” Harry snapped at the black haired guy that I remember being Zayn. I have to say that Zayn was a really attractive guy with his perfect hair, long eyelashes and high cheekbones. Not a surprise that he is popular with the ladies ad probably some guys if he would have been gay.

 “Well it shouldn’t come as I surprise for them because it came pretty fast that you started get close to Louis” I listen closer at the mention of my name. “No one know and that is how it should stay!” Harry snapped again and Zayn huffed. Harry pressed Zayn to the wall with his forearm to Zayn’s throat.

“Do you hear that Zayn? If you so much utter a word about the bet with Louis I’ll beat the shit out of you” Harry voice raised but still stayed quiet. Zayn smirked at Harry but when Harry slammed him into the wall again harder he nodded. “Yeah whatever let me go” Zayn said pushing at Harry’s chest. Harry let him go and took a step back.

“But if you don’t break up with your little "boyfriend" soon I’ll ruin you, get it?” Zayn said and Harry gave a curt nod. “And don’t ever touch me again or so god help you I’ll ruin that pretty face of yours” Zayn said walking away. I watched Harry huffed out a sigh and walking away with heavy step. I turned around and placed my back to the wall think over what I just had heard.

Harry had made a bet. And it was about me. I felt my heart drop to my stomach, I think I might be sick. Fuck I should have known that Harry was only doing it to have something to tell his mates but it doesn’t add up why Zayn and Harry had argued about it. I did warn myself about this, how the fuck could I be so dumb. I pushed myself of the wall and speed walked back to my classroom. Sat the whole lunch hour in my classroom blaming myself though I knew it was Harry’s fault that he even made a the awful bet but I couldn’t help but think that it was my fault for falling for it. To think that I thought that I was falling for him. I felt an aching pain in my heart. I groaned when the bell rang and the student started to walk in. I tried to smile as normally but nothing felt normally anymore and I just didn’t feel like smiling. I just want to go home and maybe have a beer and watch movies with Liam. I started the lesson normally and I gave them an assignment to work in the book.

I felt like the clock had slowed down but the end of the lesson was finally here and I rushed to pack all of my things. I walked as fast as I could without running to reach my car quickly.

I came to abruptly stop when I heard my name be called out from the man that had literally took my heart out and stamped on it. I didn’t turn and was considering running the last bit to my car to avoid Harry but I knew I couldn’t avoid him forever so I stayed and let Harry catch up to me.

“Hey babe” Harry Said and a made a face at the cheesy nickname. “What’s wrong?” He asked his smile face turning to concern. “Why would you do something like this?” I just asked and Harry showed confusion on his face now.

“What are you talking about?” He asked and I groaned. “I really believed in you, you fucking arsehole!” When Harry didn’t say anything but still wore the confusing look on his face. “I heard you “little” talk with Zayn about the bet so you can stop acting” I snapped going around him, going in the direction of my car again but Harry of course stopped me.

“I can explain, please Louis let me explain!” Harry said desperately but I just shook my head. “There is nothing to explain Harry I got everything. Now you can go and tell your friends about all the things you did with your teacher. Too bad it didn't carry on longer so you could talk about shagging your teacher, ey” I spat at him. I listened to my own words and frowned. He would probably had gone that far. What if that would have happened? Would I still be able to deal with working in the same place where he went to school?

“You’re disgusting” I said as I jumped in to my car and left Harry at the parking lot with quite a hurt look on his face but I didn’t regret anything I said. It was all true.

Thought it needed some action. I’m sorry that I haven’t updated but here you have two chapter and I find this story more fun to write now but it is going to be a short fan fiction so it's going to end in about 5 chapters don’t forget to comment and vote. 

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