Chapter 2

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Niall's point of view.

I walked around the house three hours later, looking for Harry that I had heard punched a wall, leaving a hole. I found him ten minutes later in a couch straddling a guy. I sighed and walked to the couple and grabbed Harry's arm pulling him away from the stranger. "Hey!" Harry slurred and turned to me. "That's just rude" He continued and pointed a shaking finger at me. "Yeah we're going home, have you seen Zayn?" I asked, looking around the room. "Yeah for a matter of fact I have" Harry's word slurred terribly but I still made out what he said. I looked over to him again and waited for him to continue but he just stared at me. "What?" He asked and I sighed in frustration. "Well where is he?" I asked raising my voice. I hate to take care of them when they get drunk because Harry get incredibly slow while Zayn gets horny. "He left with a girl, who had pink hair. Very pretty" Harry whispered the last sentence for himself. "I want pink hair" He said slowly nodding. "Did he say anything before he left" I asked trying to make hi focus on me. "He said something about making sure she got home safely but we all know he was lying" Harry said bursting out in laughter. I just shook my head and took a hold of Harry's arm again and dragged him out of the house and to his car. I un-locked it and pushed him in the passenger seat and buckled his belt before I went around the car and jumped in to the driver seat. "Aww party killer, it's only midnight." Harry pouted and crossed his arm. "Yeah and you broke someone's wall and snogged a guy" Harry's head snapped up and looked at me in shock. "I did not break that wall, I just thought I punched someone not something and about the snogging thing. You owe me a pretty great snog because of that" Harry said un-buckling his seat belt and leaning over the things in the middle and towards me. "No no no no" I said placing my palm fully on his mouth and pushing him back in his seat. "Sit back down and take your seat belt on. I have to drive, I aint kissing you if I so got a million dollar" I mutter the last part quietly but it seems like he heard it. "Meanie" He huffed but did as I said. We drove to Harry's place in silence after that and I thought Harry had fallen a sleep until he spoke when we arrived at his place. "Can you stay?" He asked quietly. I killed the engine and looked over at him. "My parents are on a business trip again and I don't want to be alone right now." His said meeting my gaze. I sighed but agreed. We walked in to his house after I had locked his car and I helped him up the stairs since he stumbled over his own feet. I let him lean on me as I lifted the covers for him to climb under. He crawled under the covers and lifted it again at his left side. "Come cuddle with me" He said sleepily. I sighed again but pulled down my jeans and climbed in under the covers with him. If I am going sleep here then at least I can sleep comfortable. I felt Harry shift beside me and I soon had an arm wrapped around my waist pulling me closer to his chest. I breathed in deeply and let my body relax in his hold and soon I was asleep.


I woke up by a weight on my chest making it difficult for me to breath. I blinked my eyes opened and let them adjust to the light before I looked down to see a head of curly hair. Harry is really cuddly in the morning. I laid my head back on the pillow, trying to relax. I hope Zayn got home safely. I stretched my arm to reach my jeans and pulled my phone out of the pocket. I swiped my finger over the screen to unlock my phone. No message and no calls. I sighed and pushed Harry carefully off of my chest, trying not to wake him up. I stood up when I was free from his hold and pulled my jeans on. I went down stairs and checked for some easy breakfast. Harry came down the stairs and in to the kitchen just as I was done eating. "Headache?" I asked already knowing the answer, I pushed two painkillers and a glass of water towards him. "Yeah" Was his only answer. He drowned the pills and the water and looked through the kitchen for some breakfast as well. He sat down in front of me with a bowl with cereal and milk and started to eat. "So I'm sorry about last night but thank you for last night, that you stayed I mean. I have never stayed home before alone, I always go to Zayn but he was gone as soon as we steeped our foot in Luke's house" Harry said not daring to look up from his bowl. "It's okay I guess about that I stayed over of course. I mean I was considering about dumping you at the party when you tried to kiss me, who knows where you have had your lips?" I said to try to light up his mood. I heard a low chuckle from the curly boy in front of me and I mentally patted my back. "You'll never know either" He said with his slow Cheshire accent, looking up at me. I just smiled at him and stood up to put my dish in the sink.


Harry had invited Zayn, Perrie, Eleanor and Ed over for a little party on our own. Right now we're sitting in a ring and are about to play, now bear with me, Truth or Dare. Yeah it's really, really childish but everyone agreed because they haven't played in so long, or that what was the told the group. We have been playing for a half hour and so far no one had done anything ridiculously. "Niall" Ed Said and I came back from my thoughts and looked over at Ed. "Truth or Dare?" He asked and I didn't have to think before I said, "Truth" The safe line. "Aww man not again" Ed groaned. "Well it's what I take if I'm going to continue this stupid game." I said crossing my arms. Ed was about to protest when Zayn leaned forward and whisper something in his ear. Ed smirked at me after Zayn leaned back to his place and stifled a laugh. "Is it true that you masturbated at Harry's house last year when Gemma was visiting?" I snapped my head at Zayn and glared at him. "You swore to never tell anyone" I said and Zayn broke out in laughter. I groaned but answer a quiet "Yes" which earned me a slap at the back of my head from Harry. "You perv" He said but he also was laughing. "Okay okay, Harry Truth or Dare" I said getting annoyed by these lots. "Dare" He said with confidence. I was about to tell him something I thought would be painful for him to do but Zayn leaned over to me and whispered something better. "I want you to seduce Louis in to sleeping with you" I said with a smirk on my lips.

This chapter was meant to like get a view in Harry and Niall's life because I won't be writing in theirs pov anymore until the end. I don't want too many different pov's but this chapters is important. So from now on it will only be in Louis point of view. Hope you are enjoying this story so far. New chapter when I get 4 votes and 2 comments.

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