Chapter 5

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Louis point of view.

I knocked lightly on the principles door, waiting for an answer. I got called to the principle office when I arrived to school. I hope I haven’t done anything wrong.

I can’t remember a moment were I have done something wrong on this short time I have worked here. I can’t believe it only is Friday. I have only worked here for one week, it feels like at least a month. I heard the familiar voice of Mr. Cowell.

I opened the door and walked in to the little room. I shook hand with Simon CoweCowellåll and then I stood there with my hands hanging awkwardly by my sides. He pointed to the seat in front of his desk and I quickly sat down.

“You’re not in trouble, Mr. Tomlinson” Mr. Cowell said with an amused smile on his lips. He probably thought that because I was so quiet or maybe the nervously hands shake gave me away. “Okay” Good to know, I added in my head. “So I just wanted to have a little check up on you and know how it is going so far.” Mr. Cowell said looking up from his paper on his desk.

I nodded and then remembered that I maybe should answer. “It’s going great this far” Mr. Cowell looked back at his paper and then back at me. “I heard that you had trouble the first day, is that true?”

“Yeah I had trouble with the teenagers to listen to me but I have worked that out now.” I said. I lifted my foot from the floor and placed it on my knee looking at Simon as he looked through his papers. “Hmm, and you are saying that it’s not a trouble at all anymore?”

“No more like they listen more to me now then my first day but I’m sure the only are testing the boundaries with the new teacher, right?” I made my statement to a question, unsure about my answer for his question.

“Yes and how do you like it here?” How do I like it here? I can’t really say that this was my dream work more like a nightmare. I can’t say that though because I really need this job.

“I think it’s great here and the trouble with the teenagers will probably get better when the get to know me more and when I have worked here longer.”

“Yes and when we’re on topic about getting to know the teenagers, would you like to hold the drama course? I know you are an English teacher but our drama teacher is pregnant in the 8 months and can’t work for about 6 months and we are in need for a drama teacher and I read that you have experience in theater.”

“Drama teacher?”

“And you’re only working half time right now so you could still be teaching English plus you’ll get obviously get better paid” Mr. Cowell added quickly.

“I would love too! I actually applied for the work first but it wasn’t any available here in the distance.” I said letting my feet bounce back to the ground and leaned forward in excitement. “Great, well I can go get the schedule for that class. Wait just a minute.” Mr. Cowell said standing up going out the door. This is great! I’ll be a drama teacher for 6 months and I really need more money for the apartment. I share a huge one floored apartment in a walking distant on 10 min from this school, but I still take the car. But it’s a beautiful apartment how came with furniture when we bought it and let’s say the apartment wasn’t exactly cheap. The move also cost a lot of money so this extra money will be great right now. The door opened behind me and I turned my head expecting Mr. Cowell but I was surprised when I saw Harry with a black eye.

Super short! I feel like my chapters get shorter and shorter. I’ll have an extra chapter updated soon because I didn’t update last Tuesday. Ugh I got to get better at updating in time! As always, Vote and comment.

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