Chapter 6

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Louis point of view.

“What happened?” I asked, quickly hooping out the chair that I have been sitting in. I rushed over to him, taking his face in my palms. He flinched out of my grip and backed away.

“I’m sorry” I said now noticed that I was really forward. But I was as worried as any teacher would have been if the saw a kid with black eye, right? The door opened again and Mr. Cowell came in. “Ah here we have it- Harry what happened?” Mr. Cowell asked Harry, going in front of Harry.

“Nothing” Harry said looking away from both of our gaze. “Something must have happen if you have a black eye” Mr. Cowell said. “I said nothing happen, uncle Si” Harry snapped going over to the seat I just had gotten up from.

“I will talk to you later” Mr. Cowell said to Harry and motioned form me to following him out. I looked over my shoulder one last time at Harry and followed Mr. Cowell out of his office.

“I’m sorry about that, here is your schedule for the drama class, and I really have to take care of him but thank you so much for doing this.” He said and opened the door to his office again and disappearing through it.

He seemed to be related to Harry and Harry did say uncle. And he probably wouldn’t have been so worried but I acted quite the same when Harry came in to the room so I really shouldn’t say anything. I shook my head and walked in the direction of my English class. I’m 15 minutes late but hopefully someone opened for them and informed them were I was.


I looked at my schedule for what I have next and couldn’t help but get a little nervous. I have just had lunch and now I have Drama. I wonder who’s in that class and if the take it serious or just took it to get better grades. You see it’s an extra class you can take to boost you grades but of course for someone who enjoy Drama. There is other extra classes like soccer, cheerleading and so on.

I loved that we had that when I went to school and played soccer for my school’s team. I went in to the theater were we’ll be having this lesson, to see at least 8 people and that is actually more then what I had expect from a Drama class. I thought that it only would have 5 or 6 people in it and the lesson starts in 10 minutes so there could be more students in this class.

I walked up to the stage and stood in the middle of it. The students who were here sat at the 3 closest rows so that is positive. It means that they want to hear me. The 10 minutes past quickly and 2 more students walked in, one of them being Harry.

“Hello my names is Mr. Tomlinson and I’m going to have this class until Mrs. Swift is back.” I said looking over the class quickly. “So we can start of by going around and saying our name because I haven’t any things planed out to do today because I got to know that I’ll be teaching this class an hour ago.” I said and I looked over to a girl sitting at the end of the first row.

“You can start of by saying your name and why you chose to take this class and then we’ll go around” I said sitting down at the edge of the stage. “Okay, um my name is Rebeca and I am taking this class because I love acting” She said, smiling at me which I smiled back to. “Okay” I said looking over at the one next to her.

When everyone had said their name and why they took this class, we just sat and talked about what they hoped to do in this class. I took mental notes on the creative ideas that we maybe could do.

I let the students walk earlier then the class ended which they didn’t seem too happy about but they walked out either way. I threw my bag over my shoulder and made my why out of the theater. I saw Harry a little longer down in the halls and thought I would ask him about the black eye.

“Hey Harry” I called and Harry turned around. I walked a little faster and soon stood in front of him. “How is your black eye?” I asked and Harry shrugged. This must be the first time I have seen him and he doesn’t talk. “Do you mind me asking who gave you it?” I asked carefully. “Yes!” He snapped but soon his featured softened. “I’m sorry, I rather not talk about it” He said giving me small smile. “I understand” I said smiling back” “So was it anything else you wanted or am I allowed to go?” He joked and like that his playful smirk was back. “You can go” I said shaking my head with I smile on my lips. “Oh thank you kind sir” He said bowing his head down and giving me a wink when he faced me again. I laughed at him while he turned back around and walked away. 

I shouldn’t interact with my students like this but it’s only friendly right? That isn’t illegal. I drove home after that with a smile on my face that didn’t fell of my face until I was in bed thinking back at our conversation. 

What am I doing? 

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