Part 4

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All my books and my ideas are mine. They belong to me JackieStorms.

Jack's POV~

I stared down at my thighs to see them littered with scars, "freak" I looked up to see Mark, "moron" Felix tutted "weirdo"Bob laughed "doesn't deserve to live" Wade grinned. I looked at my hands and when I looked up again Signe was there smiling at me. "It's okay Sean,I'm here,it's okay" she hummed as I cried into her chest. I felt a pain in my back and I gasped as I let go of Signe only to see her black eyes,she was crying black tears again. "It's okay Sean,you'll join us soon"

I woke up sweating and my breathing was uneven. I got up and ran a shower,I got in and stayed in so long the water turned cold and my fingers were weird. I sighed as I got out,got dressed and made coffee,I made toast. It tasted nice,and then I ran to my recording room to make a video. When I was finished I sent it off to Robin 'he's sick of editing ye ugly face,it's to ugly to make beautiful' I sighed and finished my coffee before I got a notification 'you have been added to 'Youtube Dicks' group' I giggled at the name and opened up the app.




FabulousFelix:Sup bitches :)


BobbyBoy:No cursing Fe!

WadeyKins:Bob! You swear all the time!

MarkleSparkle:He didn't need to know that!

Jackaboy:Once again Wade has fooked us over lol

FabulousFelix;Bob! How could you lie to me? 'crying'




FabulousFelix:Jaaaaaccckkkkk! They're laughing at my tears!

Jackaboy:Every man for themselves!

FabulousFelix:Irish Barstard

Jackaboy:Swedish meatball

After arguing and sharing dick jokes I asked why I was added.

WadeyKins:We can't come and visit you today we have to support Amy and Felix has to face time Marzia,he promised her last night

Jackaboy;That's fine,I'll be fine unless I can come and see Amy too? If not it's okay ;)

MarkleSparkle:Sorry,Chica,me,Bob,Wade,Tyler and Ethan fill up the car :(

Jackaboy:It's fine

Jackaboy is offline. I was tired but I was too scared to sleep. I couldn't get that dream out of my head,so I went to the bathroom and looked at the scar that big shard of glass made. I decided to sit on the toilet seat,with the lid down and read Youtube comments from my recent video. 'Your so cute!' I smiled and scrolled down 'ugly whore no wonder Signe dumped you' 'why are you playing spider man again!' 'what's wrong with your face?' 'go and fuck yourself' 'I hope you get cancer and die' I decided to make a reading your comments video hate comments addition. After the video and I pretended the comments didn't hurt but as soon as the video ended I sent it Robin to upload for tomorrow and I played my sad song playlist as I drifted/cried to sleep.

Mark's POV~

I felt bad leaving Jack alone,I felt terrible was an UNDERSTATEMENT. We visited Amy and it turns out her mum was run over,I had to drive back to get Chica since Amy wanted to see her. We took a walk with her,just me,Chica and Amy,we shared a kiss but it was interrupted by a beep of a horn. We pulled away to see Chica under a car,her lead was tied up in the wheel and a dead squirrel lay next to her. Amy cried as me and the man helped get Chica out from under the car,the man said he was sorry and he wanted to pay for the surgeries she's gonna need too,so I let him. Once we got to the vets we were told we have to stay two weeks for Chica. Shit Jack,please be okay. I tried to ring Felix but it said 'contact is busy' I sighed as I told Ethan,Tyler,Bob and Wade. They all came to help and I sent Ethan and Tyler to check on Jack every two days.

Jack's POV~

I decided to make Chica a get well card since she was run over,I was gonna put doggy treats inside and get Chica to try and open it. I stared at the scissors from across the table,the intimidated me,they were silently whispering to me. 'Pick me up,slit ye wrist,ugly piece of human life' I did as they said and I picked them up. I opened them up slowly and held it above my wrist 'yes,now press down,hard,draw blood' I nodded and pressed the scissors to my wrist but the front door opened and I threw the scissors across the room. I sighed deeply before I put the scissors and the card away,I'll have to buy treats tomorrow "hey Jack!" A cheery voice sang "hey blue Jacksepticeye" I teased Ethan "sup beanie man" I smiled as Tyler entered the room "so what you doing?" Tyler asked "what? No greeting? Ye should be ashamed beanie man" Tyler smirked as he ruffled my hair "shut up" he grinned. We sat and watched a movie with popcorn,which I actually ate. The film ended and Tyler and Ethan was called by Mark,they had to go. We said our goodbye and shared hugs before I sat down and changed the channel. My phone went off 'ring me ASAP-Ma' I rang my ma's number only for her to sob through the phone "ma what's wrong?" "Ye siblings,they...they" "they what ma?" "They were in a car accident with ye father,no one survived. I gasped "I love ye Sean" my ma requested video call and I gasped when I saw her standing on a chair with a rope around her neck and the other end attached to a ceiling fan. "I love ye my sweet baby boy" "I love ye too ma" we were both in tears. She kicked the chair from under her and I tried to look away but I couldn't.

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