Part 16

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All my books and my ideas are mine. They belong to me JackieStorms.

Felix's POV~

I watched Mark study the screen "what?" Mark asked. "It's true I'm afraid" Mark handed me back the phone and I looked at the screen again still not believing it myself. 'The Holy Trinity has posted a new photo' Jack's sleeping figure lay on his bed. 'The Holy Trinity has posted a video' I press play and text appeared on the screen 'follow me if you hate Jacksepticeye. He paid his friends to do a live stream for him last night and he didn't even RESPOND. Even if it was real Jack wasn't grateful towards the gesture. Pewdiepie is now living with Mark and I never see Amy PewdiePlier away! Jack hasn't uploaded and is hiding,yesterday he went to the park but that's it. Jack has recently bought sleeping pills at the pharmacy why? Find out next time on...Holy News' I sighed and rushed a hand through me hair. Mark was now in pants and a new shirt while Amy was dress too. Chica was on a lead and ready to go "where we going?" I asked "YOUR going to check on Jack while we are going to the police station to report this person. My phone went off as I froze,Mark snatched the phone and read out loud 'Are you sure Marky?' He gasped. "Yes right now!" Mark yelled as he ran out the door holding Amy's hand and Chica's lead in the other. The phone went off again and I forced myself to read it 'race you to Jack's?' I slowly nodded '3' I took a breathe '2' I got in a running position '1' I ran out the front door while shoving the phone in my pocket. I ran and ran until my lungs were ready to give out but I still kept going until I got to his front door. It was closed but it had a hand blood stain on it and the letter box seemed like it was busted open "Jack!" I called out as I banged on his door. When no answer came I panicked "this isn't funny Jack!" I whined like a scared younger sibling. I banged harder on the door to no avail,I rammed my shoulder in the door next,after a few hard tries I made it through. I ran to the living room where Jack was cowering in the corner,he had a knife in hand and blood in his hair,he looked terrified but he relaxed a little when he realised it was me. "Jack?" Jack looked at me "what happened?" I asked and Jack looked down like a scared puppy. "A puppy looks down when it's done wrong,a snake will look you right in the eyes" Jack mumbled,I got on my knees and came closer. Jack let go of the knife and placed it beside him "take away" he muttered I grabbed the knife and took it away. I managed to persuade Jack to shower and after getting him to dress and force him inside the taxi we arrived at Mark's house,I noticed that Jack was shaking the whole car ride. I put him on the couch with a mug of hot chocolate and we watched the TV,Jack was quite and I didn't like it. It was so abnormal and we JUST got him back. I sighed as I began to think,my best friend Jack was a more than decent man. Now he was suffering,crying,being stalked,no matter what we did it wasn't good enough. Mark once told me broken crayons still colour but not this one,he lost his girlfriend ,his family,his fans and he thinks he's losing us. I know he is. We can say we're here for him a million times and boom, he won't just suddenly believe it like people do in movies and shit. I feel like I can do more for him but I can't so I grabbed Jack's wrist "we're here,we will always be here. Now learn it or push out out,we can't bring Signe back,or your family so we tried with the fans and it failed. We're always trying and you didn't reply to the video we made for you. We love and care about you,forget about Signe and wake up! Yes they're will be others I promise you. I don't want top be mad but I am,your not you and we're going to fix it but if it doesn't work tell us tell ME. Stop being so crossed off-" "SHE BANGED ON MY DOOR AND USED A VIDEO OF YE YELLING MY NAME!!! SHE GOT IN MY HOUSE AND DID STUFF TO ME FORCEFULLY!! I'M SCARED FELIX! I'M SCARED AND I DON'T WANT TO DRAG YE OR ANYONE ELSE INTO IT!!!" Jack screamed before he ran for the door,I followed him and Mark opened the door with anger and it hit Jack in the nose causing blood to flow from it. Jack gasped in shock and then tried to push past Mark who grabbed him by his waist and held him in place. Amy was talking to Jack but he wasn't listening and Chica was barking. Jack began to sweat and his red went red as he held his breathe "Jack don't!" I yelled but it was too late,I realised his colour change too late. He went limp in Mark's arms and Mark pulled him closer and picked him up,Amy kept Chica quiet and went off to give us some space. She wished us luck and left to see her mother with Chica and Kat.

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