Part 20

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All my books and my ideas are mine. They belong to me JackieStorms.

Mark's POV~

I ran into Felix's room "the police can't help us,I think the woman I was on the phone to is in trouble" I explained "how?" "She was happily talking to me until she told someone they shouldn't be there and she then hung up" Felix thought for a moment "shit" he cursed. I heard a horn honk and I looked out the window to see Bob getting out his car,I grabbed Felix's wrist and we ran down stairs. We ran out the front door and into Bob's car Ethan and Tyler were in the back seats and Wade was driving behind us "let's go save Jack" Bob grunted,he has bags under his eyes and he was dressed in his merch pyjamas. We got in and we drove to the field where we were earlier this evening,it was muddy so we had to ditch the cars and walk,Tyler and Ethan were dressed in jeans,their t-shirts and trainers as was Wade,we stared at Bob. "What I was worried and in a hurry" he frowned,we walked until we saw footprints in the mud,they weren't too deep but there was only one set,we walked further on and only when we hit the forest did a second set of footprints show up. Once the second set did we walked faster but as we got further into the forest the footprints disappeared "shit it's not muddy enough" Wade muttered "well we have to hope we're going in the right direction then" Tyler sighed. We walked straight and then I stopped "the police officer" "what about her?" Felix snapped "she was attacked what if we can find actual help,like trackers and shit to help us at the police station" I explained and Bob thought for a moment "Tyler and I will go with you Mark,Felix,Wade and Ethan keep looking here" Bob trotted towards me and we walked back to the cars leaving Felix,Ethan and Wade to find our friend.

Felix's POV~

"How did this all even start?" Ethan quizzed me "Jack broke up with Signe" I huffed as my foot slipped into a small ditch,I re-steadied my self and we walked on "who do you thinks behind this?" Wade whispered "I don't know" I frowned. We trudged and moaned every time our feet got stuck "we had to get stuck with the shitty job" I complained "worst part is we have Wade" Ethan joked "you know what? I've never been so glad for you to make a joke about me" Wade smiled with pride as if we just told him to pose for a camera. "Sappy much?" I giggled causing everyone else to chuckle too "I actually agree with Wade" Ethan smirked "ah,ah,ah. No sappiness!" I yelled "holy moly" Wade gasped "wha-javla fite" I gasped as I saw what Wade saw. A cave with lanterns around it stood about 30 metres ahead of us,it was like a short beacon in the woods. It was a horrible grey,lanterns covered it along with moss and what looked like water,the water dripped down it's sides with a horrible slurp like noise. We closed in but then we heard a twig snap,me and Ethan turned to see Wade who was holding his breathe hoping no one heard him. "Oops?" Wade shrugged,suddenly I was pulled into the air about 20 feet Ethan beside me "what are we gonna do?" Ethan panicked "shhhh it's fine Wade will get us out" I stared at Wade down below "right?" I said through gritted teeth. Wade nodded and hurried under us,he pulled out a pocket knife but another twig snapped and Wade through the knife in fear. The knife got caught in a net and flew up so it was near me and Ethan "WADE" me and Ethan hissed. Wade looked down in shame and ran over to a tree,he began to kick it and punch it.

Mark's POV~

We got back to the cars and got in,we left Wade's car there and we high tailed to the police station. It was a long drive since the roads got slippy and it began to rain,soon the rain turned to hail and Bob had to keep swerving the car to avoid poles,cars and ducks. "This is so unfair!" Tyler moaned "what is?" I asked "hmm let me think" Tyler pretended to think "our friend Jack is in danger! The weather isn't helping,we have no clue where he even is, We don't know what condition the guys are in either. I feel like their hurt or trapped or something! And what are we doing? Going to save a police lady we don't even know!" Tyler finished his speech and I stared at him "it's gonna be fine,chill" I reassured and Tyler just nodded "want some coffee?" Bob asked as he turned and handed Tyler a cup,Tyler took it but went wide eyed before he opened his mouth to speak,I followed his line of sight and opened my mouth to yell to. "POLE!!!!" Bob turned and tried to swerve the car but he didn't do it in time,none of us had seat belts on and we were at least two miles from the police station. I ducked under the dash board while Bob buckled up and Tyler hid under his seat. The car flipped and rolled,glass smashed and I heard a fire crackling. After the car stopped moving I realised the car had landed on my side,so I couldn't open my car door.

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