Part 9

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All my books and my ideas are mine. They belong to me JackieStorms.

Felix's POV~

Me and Mark sat on the carpeted floor,like children waiting for their teacher to read them a story. As Jack explained his dream,he was in tears as was Mark and me. I was disappointed,Jack has been getting know sleep all because of this tragedy? Yes it's sad and yes I feel for him but I'm mad right now? Why is this happening to my best friend? What has he ever done besides cursing,being fun and a good friend? I shook my fist at the sky as I prayed once again what Jack was saying was a dream and we would wake up to our happy loud moth again. It was like that person was gone,like he just disappeared and left the broken shell of him behind. Jack was happy and doing his own thing but Sean lost his girlfriend,his family.,his community and his sanity was slowly drifting away. It was like sand blowing in the wind,it was there but it was hard to see and would get harder to see the faster the wind blew. Life was the wind and was throwing Jack around like a rag doll,I wanted to pick him up and stop the wind,tell him he's going to see his family again and his community was sorry. I was scared for him to be honest. Not being able to sleep can mess with your head seriously as will losing one family member but he lost 6 in one day,5 to a car crash and one was suicidal leaving Jack to fend for himself. I met Mrs McLoughlin a few times she was a nice woman,selfless,but why would she leave Jack to suffer all by himself? It made me angry at her. "Jack I'm sorry this has happened,how can we help?" I blurted and Jack chuckled weakly "ye guys being here is enough" I smiled as did Mark "movie?" Jack suggested and I let out a giggle "as fun as that is I want to get you out of the house" Mark smiled. "Hey! We need food first dummie" I teased as I ran to the kitchen to find no food whatsoever. "Urgh" I groaned and I heard Mark and Jack laughing "we're going out to dinner okay? I'm gonna shower first ye guys can afterwards and then we can go" Jack explained "can I come with you?" I begged and Jack rolled his eyes while Mark shoved me playfully out of the way "can I shower with you?" Jack shook his heads "Mark everyone has seen ye shirtless a million times,it doesn't make me feel special and Felix" Jack then shut the bathroom door as I heard the shower running. I sighed and sat on the couch next to Mark "it's fun making jokes and fighting over Jack like the good old days,we were called 'The Holy Trinity' for a while" Mark placed his hands behind his head. "How could I forget,they were the golden days" I smiled in remembrance. Me,Mark and Jack were together all the time we went everywhere together and had so much fun,we were always laughing,always smiling,joking like kids. I miss those days but I'm happy I still got Jack and Mark. Even though Mark now has his Teamiplier and Jack has Robin and Ethan the 'New Trinity' and I don't really do collabs anymore it's nice to know I still have them. Maybe not in videos but in the real world,in real life. I scrolled on my phone for a few minutes,maybe an hour and it was finally my turn to shower. I stripped and stepped in only to feel relaxed and happy. Today's gonna be a good day.

Mark's POV~

"Took ye long enough" Jack mocked as I came out of the bathroom dressed,Felix went to shower next but he was too stuck in my phone to say anything. "Hey! You took the longest! That's why we're still waiting,if you got out quicker we could have been gone by now" I chuckled "shut up ye doof!" Jack laughed as he threw a pillow at me. I missed that nickname "Jack we HAVE to get the holy trinity back together!" I yelled in excitement as I got notified from Twitter that a 'Holy Trinity' photo was taken. However my face drained of colour when I pulled up the picture and I saw me and Felix on the floor while Jack was sitting on the couch crying as were me and Felix. I gasped how did they get that photo? Are they stalking us? It was captioned 'The Holy Trinity is back! Downside:Jack lied,why isn't he dead?' I gulped and reported it immediately Jack gave me a concerned look but I brushed it off and smiled at him "I just saw Septiplier fan art that went too far" I lied and Jack laughed "is it weird I wanna see it?" he asked and I nodded "yeah,you weirdo" Jack laughed and Felix came out the bathroom dressed "let's get this show on the road!" he cheered and Jack jumped off the couch "where to!" He screamed "your car!" Felix declared his hand in the air "I never got my license,so to the bus stop!" Jack explained "I could get us a lift?" I suggested "I'm already out the door!" Felix called behind his shoulder as he ran to the front door and yanked on the door "it's push dumb arse!" Jack yelled "I knew that!"

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