Part 7

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All my books and my ideas are mine. They belong to me JackieStorms.

Mark's POV~

We burst through Jack's front door and started screaming his name in panic. I ran into the living room everyone behind me and I saw Jack and Felix watching a film. Well Felix was,Jack had his head buried into Felix's chest and was snoring lightly. "Shhhh!" Felix hissed and I giggled "this is going on my Twitter" I smirked as I pulled out my phone and took a picture. After everyone took pictures and Felix whining Jack stirred and buried his head deeper into Felix's chest "ha! Suck that Mr Iplier and Mr Gameplays. Jelix is more real the Jack's accent" Felix teased and me and Ethan giggled "no he's MY senpai" Ethan defended and I looked at him surprised while he shrugged "oh we're not gonna fight over him?" Ethan squeaked as me and Felix shook our heads "well Septiplier is more real than any of your ships so..." I trailed off "uh Mark make up your mind me or Jack,I mean in a video you did say and I quote 'Crankiplier' away" Ethan said all matter of factly. "Ethan so says you! Together they make Tythan" I teased as I pointed at Tyler and Ethan. "Felix make up your mind,Jack or...or" I had to think "who else are you shipped with?" Felix laughed "Jack only bitches,I guess he's mine" Felix smirked and we all chuckled. "Well Jack's okay and well it's late,I'm not sure about you but I'm crashing here" Bob explained "sure Jack will wake up to us just sleeping in his house and be confused. Why not?" Wade shrugged as he he and Bob left to find a room,Jack had a few guest rooms,I know this because I bought the house for him. Amy went upstairs to find a room for me,her and Chica while me,Tyler and Ethan watched TV with Felix before we decided to hit the hay. Tyler and Ethan shared a room while Felix shared a room with Jack,Felix carried Jack with ease so our goal tomorrow is...make him eat.

Jack's POV~

I woke up with who I presumed as Signe in my arms. I smiled and sat up "good morning" I stretched and opened my eyes to see Felix. I let go of him and rushed out bed due to embarrassment. Was he awake? Did he hear me? I showered and got ready for the day,I also changed the bandages on my thighs and I walked out the bathroom to see Chica in my back garden. "Hey Chica" I greeted as I opened the glass sliding door,then I came to the realisation Chica isn't my dog. How did she get here? It was 6:30am so I gave Chica the uncompleted get well card and she ate the treats with a smile. After playing outside with Chica I heard a scream and rushed back inside,Chica ran up the stairs and I stayed downstairs with a frying pan,Felix didn't scream I know that. I felt fear rise inside me,soon with the little bit of courage in me I ran upstairs frying pan at the ready. "What do ye fooking want!" I screamed,I saw Mark stroking Chica and Ethan,Tyler,Amy,Felix,Bob and Wade with fear all over their faces. I lowered the pan to my side "how did you all get here?" Felix pulled out his phone and put it to his ear "yeah Ken? You owe me twenty bucks he got scared and came upstairs with a frying pan" "what? No way!" Ken yelled through the phone "I'll send you the video from the security cameras in the minute,I'll expect that money soon Kenneth" Felix hung up and I felt stupid. "Ye bet on me being scared? I didn't know any of ye where gonna be here did I!" I yelled in frustration "Jack it's fine. Okay we can explain" Ethan smiled "sure" I sighed as I walked downstairs everyone in tow. "Pancakes or fry up?" I asked "well we were meant to wake up and make you some food" Mark frowned "ye the guests,the surprise one's but guests nonetheless" I shrugged as I got out pans and turned on the oven. I got out pancake mixture and six plates "where's your plate?" Wade asked "I'm not hungry" I lied but my stomach was quick to disagree and growled so loud I bet the whole street heard. I put an arm around it praying the noise would stop but the noise just got louder and I felt dizzy "when was the last time you ate?" Bob's distorted voice questioned "last week" I mumbled before I passed out.

Felix's POV~

I looked at Jack's body and then the frying pan,I stepped over Jack put the pancake mix in the pan before I bent down to pick him up. Mark took him and placed him on the couch while Amy got a wet towel for his head,Chica was now laying on Jack's stomach and licking his hands and face to get him to wake up. "Why didn't you pick Jack up first?" Amy snapped "because I was hungry and when I'm hungry I don't think straight therefore I wasn't thinking about what I was doing at all" I defended. Everyone sighed. Wade made pancakes,Bob decorated them with syrup and sugar while Tyler handed them out and the rest of us watched TV. I wanted to know if Jack was okay. I was scared for him,we all were. Bless.

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