Part 8

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All my books and my ideas are mine. They belong to me JackieStorms.

Mark' POV~

I heard a groan from the couch and I looked to see Jack holding his head with his hand as he sat up. Wade sprinted into the room with an eager smile and shoved a plate of pancakes in Jack's face,Jack fell off the couch in surprise. "Wade" I whisper-yelled. Wade nodded before he set the plate down on Jack's coffee table and helped Jack stand "what was that about?" Jack mumbled "oh you need to eat,you passed out from starvation" Amy smiled innocently and Jack paled. "Sorry" he whispered quickly as he looked down at his hands. "It's okay,we're not mad we were just worried. Can ye eat for us?" Bob asked in a soft voice. Jack nodded quickly before he sat down in front of the plate of food and he began to ate once he was finished we congratulated him. Jack just shrugged and went to wash up his plate,he came back with dog treats in his hand "Chica" he called and Chica took them with pleasure before she trotted away "Jack your gonna make her fat!" I whined "hey! I was having fun,I felt bad after I have her a get well soon card and only two treats were inside" Jack trailed off. "You made a dog a car?" Felix giggled and Jack nodded sheepishly "that's adorable" Felix smirked "look me,Tyler,Amy and Chica have to go are you okay with Mark and Felix spending a few weeks with you?" Ethan asked "yeah" I shrugged and at the same time Felix and Mark yelled "WHAT?" "Ethan asked can you two stay here to look after him?" Amy giggled "sure" Mark smiled "wait. What about my stuff? How am I meant to be fabulous with out my clothes?" Felix whined like a child "I'll drop it off later" Tyler groaned playfully. After everyone left we had nothing to do with themselves so they watched TV but it didn't work so the had a pillow fight. "Mark! You can't team up with him! What about me?" Felix cried "um...I love him?" and Jack burst out laughing "okay,okay,okay. Ye two have a battle and I'll decide who I shall marry and continue the ship with" Jack declared and before Felix could even think about what Jack had just said Mark charged at him. Jack was sent into a fit of laughter as Mark went Yandereiplier mode. "I love Senpai yes I do,he's for me not for you!" Mark sang as he beat Felix with a pillow,Felix was in a ball on the floor. "I give! I give!" Felix and Mark smirked before he turned so he was facing me "see I fought fo-" Mark was interrupted by a pillow smacking against his face. Felix stood on Mark's back before he hit him with a pillow and came running towards me with arms opened wide. Until Mark through a pillow at him and he fell face first on the carpet,I laughed and rolled around but Mark and Felix were silent,when I stopped laughing I sat up and looked around. I was tackled by Mark and Felix throwing their pillows at me "you did this too us!" Felix yelled "stop making us love youuu!" Mark drawed out. After giggling and laughing and movies with LOTS of junk food we went to sleep.

I was in a car. It was a big,black SUV. I was in the back seat between Kate and Julie my sisters,dad was driving and Malcolm was in the passenger seat Kevin was next to me and Gizmo was sitting at my feet. "Now it's ye turn Kev! Sing!" Dad cheered as he handed Kevin a hair brush before he continued to drive,Malcolm turned the radio up and Kevin brang the 'microphone' to his mouth. Everyone was smiling and watching Kevin,dad was watching him through the mirror so he wouldn't crash. "Okay,okay. What about us? What about all the plans that ended in disaster?" Kevin sang "go! Sing more!" Kevin listened to Julie and at the top of his lungs began to sing "WHAT ABOUT LOVE? WHAT ABOUT TRUST? WHAT ABOUT US?" We all laughed at Kevin until I saw his face fill with panic as did everyone but dad's. "DAD!" Everyone but me yelled as I was stuck in shock,a red truck was barrelling towards us "DAD!" We all cried again but my voice was above everyone else's. Dad turned his head just as the truck crashed into us,everything went blurry,screams and cries were heard,blood was seen before all I saw was black. I opened my eyes once more to see everyone but they weren't...them. Malcolm had a giant gash and pale skin,Kevin had his arm twisted at a weird angle,Julie has her leg twisted at a weird angle,Kate had a giant slash on his neck and Dad had no arms. They all smirked at me as they stood over me "ye could have saved us" Julie smirked "but where were ye?" Kate grinned "in LA" they all smiled before they kicked my face in and everything went black.

I woke up to Mark shaking me and Felix had a glass of water in his hand as he paced up and down my room. "Jack?" Mark asked and Felix came forward and put a hand on my shoulder "you alright buddy?" I nodded grateful I have such amazing friends. "Let's sit down and you can explain yeah?"

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