Part 13

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All my books and my ideas are mine. They belong to me JackieStorms.

Mark's POV~

I looked at the laptop and phone in shock. Unlike other visits here there was no alcohol and Jack seemed sober,he had puffy eyes though. "Jack whats wrong?" I rushed in and I instantly covered my mouth as Jack looked up at us,he's been wearing hoodies lately and he doesn't seem in the talking mood. It made me frown,he was always smiling,laughing,having a good time instead he was distant,puffy eyed,silent and sad. His happy bubble has burst and we need to blow a new one but we have no way how. We can't get Signe back,we can't get his family back or stop him from having dreams. Then I had an idea "Jack talk to us when you can,we're here for you and you know it,call us when the time is right. We'll leave you be" Felix's jaw fell as he looked at me shocked while Bob caught my drift(in a way) and he bent down to his knees beside Jack who was sitting on the couch "we're here buddy". We all smiled and Bob got up and we left,I wanted to drive so I did with a pouting Felix in the back seat. "Mark what was that about? We went to HELP him not see he's okay and up and leave!" "Felix we can't really help as much as we'd like-" "but he needs us!" "I know he does just let me explain" Felix huffed and let me speak "we can't bring Signe back or his family but we can stop the people online we need to connect with them. Any hate towards Jack and we'll quit too,he's one of us but getting through to the people that even hate US is the hard part. There will always be hate so we need to reach as many people as possible" I explained. "Yeah! We can a live stream with EVERYONE as in every Youtuber that lives in LA! We can call the stream #SaveJack and we can get that # going on our twitters,Instagram,Twitch,Facebook and Youtube!" Felix yelled in happiness finally becoming of use. "I can make the calls" I parked in front of my house and ran in telling Ethan,Tyler,Amy,Katherine and Wade our plan. Ethan and Tyler set up the tech,Amy and Kat went to visit Amy's mom and Wade helped Bob with calls. Me and Felix got instruments set up and microphones. Yes it was a live stream but we were gonna sing for our friend,we needed this # spread as soon as possible. Amy even had an app called Tik Tok and Musically were the stream would be live on as well,we were gonna be live streaming on every social media we could for as long as we could and every day we would repost it along with other videos IF the hate towards Jack stops. The only thing that could go wrong was a power cut or something. I was REALLY excited as was Felix he has been learning guitar. Amy was gonna be on camera at times same with Kat while most are gonna stay on stage most of the time. Me,Felix,Ethan,Tyler,Bob and Wade will never leave the stage. This is going to be fun!

Jack's POV~

I feel bad. I should have opened up to Mark,Felix and Bob but instead I drove them away and Mark was sick of it,he saw no progress was being made so he left with a smile and kind words while Felix was shocked at his actions and Bob decided Mark was right. When they left I felt more empty then before 'they could've helped ye' I know. I sigh and lay on the couch,before they came in I was crying after my reflecting so I decided to only do it when I need to. I was tired all the time but at the same time I wasn't,I was always yawning but I was still full of energy when I woke up. It's gonna catch up with me soon. I know it will and it will strike when someone needs me and it will worry people,I can't keep making people worrying over me so I will keep everything to myself. Jacksepticeye the 'I hope I can be here as a voice as a friend,while playing games for ye,if ye feel lonely or depressed or anything like that. Jack is here' now I need people to be here for me and I did a bad thing,I gave up. 'Your aloud to cry,to scream,to be happy but your not aloud to give up' best quote I have read. I got off the couch and got in the shower after that I ate and drank 3 glasses of water to keep it down I then fixed my computer and phone screen after two or three hours at a shop. I sat in the living room on my couch and that's when I got a notification after my phone stopped buzzing for what felt like hours but was only mere seconds,I picked up the device. 'Markiplier is live streaming' on Twitter,Instagram,Twitch and Youtube what's so big? Felix,Ethan,Tyler,Bob and Wade were streaming on all the same apps too. I felt like I was left out of something big. I shrugged as I opened up all apps one at a time to see Mark,Felix,Ethan,Tyler,Bob and Wade were all doing the same thing. I went onto the main live stream and I went on Youtube and watched on my laptop.

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