Katsuki Bakugou x Reader: In time to save you

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Warning: minor cursing ( It's Bakugou.)
Hanahaki disease AU.

What hanahaki disease is: basically it's where someone who suffers from/thinks they suffer from one-sided love gets sick and starts coughing and throwing up blood and flower petals. The infection can be removed surgically, but all of the victims feelings for the person they liked will disappear too.

Secondary warning: First one shot I've ever written. I don't think it's that bad, but you might. If you do, sorry about that.

You were normally a happy person. Rather healthy too. That was until recently.

You went to class as normal. You'd been sick for a while now, but nobody knew. Nobody would understand. Why were you sick? Well, it was all because you fell in love with a certain explosive boy.

"Hey, [Y/N]!" Shouted an overly energetic Mina. You simply raised your hand and muttered a quiet "hi" before erupting into a fit of coughs. Mina immediately ran to your side and started rubbing circles on your back, a concerned look on her face. After you stopped, you pulled your hand away from your mouth and Mina's eyes widened upon seeing a few petals and specks of blood on your palm.

"[Y/N]... Who is it?" Was all she asked, seeming worried. She wanted to know who you loved so much to develop Hanahaki disease. She heard you mumble something under your breath, but didn't quit catch what you said. "What did you say?" She asked in a quiet voice.

"I said it's Bakugou... I like Bakugou, but I'd never stand a chance in hell with him. So I'll just keep quiet..." You said. Your best friend seemed shocked at your words as her eyes widened once more.

"But you'll die!" She almost yells, being careful not to get attention from too many of your classmates. You just simply looked up at her and gave her a weak-looking smile as Aizawa announced the beginning of class.

Mid way through class, you felt a familiar sensation in your throat and chest, and raised your hand. "Sir, may I go to the bathroom please?" Aizawa just nodded and continued with the lesson. As you stepped out and closed the door, loud coughs could be heard. Mina gripped her pen tightly.
"I have to do something..." She mumbled.

~Time skip to lunch brought to you by Lord Explosion Murder!~

The situation now was that Mina had told Kirishima, who was now freaking out.
"YOU HAVE TO SAY SOMETHING TO HIM! YOU'LL DIE IF YOU DON'T!!!" He yelled, and unfortunately for you a certain explosive blonde managed to hear. Bakugou walked over to the table you, Mina and Kirishima were sat at and placed a hand on your shoulder, causing you to tense up immediately.

"What's all this shit about people dying?" He asked and you turned to look at him. His eyes widened slightly as he saw your face was pale and a small speck of blood remained on your lip. It was almost as if he was worried, but didn't want to show it. "If the little shit has something fucking wrong with her, she can tough it out. I'm pretty sure she's strong enough." His words brought a small smile to your face before realising he probably said it because he pitied you. You suddenly stood up.

"I'm just not feeling well, Kirishima's overreacting. Mina, can you come with me? I think I'll go see recovery girl." Mina knew what you meant. You were going to have the Hanahaki infection removed, and your feelings along with it. She just stood up and walked with you, her head lowered. It was once you'd walked out of the cafeteria that Kirishima chose to speak up.

~Bakugou's POV~

Idiot girl. If she wasn't feeling well, why didn't she go earlier? Maybe she thought she could tough it out. Her strength is one of the things I like about her. And to see her face so pale. This was no normal illness. I'm sure of it.

"She's sick. And you may have something to do with it." Said Kirishima.

"What was that, shitty hair?! Why do you think I had anything to do with this?! I'd never even think of fucking hurti-" I was cut off by Kirishima's yelling.

What? Why would she ever think that? She's the most god damn beautiful thing I've ever seen. With her [H/L] [H/C] hair and shining [E/C] eyes. Not to mention how kind hearted and strong she is.
"She's going to get the infection removed before it gets too bad, so if you feel even a shred of love for her, go tell her before it's too late." My eyes opened wide as I quickly stood up and ran off to the infirmary.

"[Y/N]!!!" I shouted once I saw her. She was coughing up flower petals.

~Normal POV~

"[Y/N]!!!" You quickly turned around to hear a familiar, rough voice calling your name. As soon as you had fully turned, you came in contact with the muscular chest of the one and only Katsuki Bakugou. He wrapped his arms around you and held you close. You didn't even try to escape, you just stood there, wide-eyed.

"W-what are you doing?" You asked in a quiet tone, confused by the boy's actions. It then occurred to you that Kirishima must have let it slip. "Look, if you're doing this because you feel sorry, don't. I don't need your pi-"

"SHUT UP!" You were slightly startled by Bakugou's sudden outburst, but decided to do as he said. "You're an idiot, you know that? Getting yourself into this stupid fucking state just because you didn't think I'd ever like you back. Well, you're right. I don't like you." He said in his usual rough voice and your heart felt like it had shattered. Mina had long ago walked off and left you with the boy. You tried to escape Bakugou's grasp, but he held you tightly.

"I don't like you. I love you, you damn idiot."

Your eyes widened a tear fell from your eye, followed by a few more. You buried your head in Bakugou's shoulder and he patted your head. "I... I thought I'd never be good for you... I thought I'd never stand a chance..." You mumbled just loud enough for him to hear. He pulled you away from him and held onto your shoulders, beautiful red eyes fixed on your [E/C] ones.

"Well, you thought wrong. You're more than good enough for me, [Y/N]. Your perfect for me." He said, placing a gentle kiss on your lips, which you melted into almost instantly. After a few seconds, you both pulled away. You realised that you were no longer coughing. No longer had that pain that you'd had before. A genuine smile appeared on your face for the first time in quite a while. "The petals were pretty, but I'm glad you got rid of them." You said, wrapping your arms around him and resting your head against him.

"And I'm glad I made it in time to save you."

Up next:
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader: In time to save you (bad ending)

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