🍋 Vampire! Shouto Todoroki x Reader

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Anyone ask for a Halloween special?

Again with the Todoroki. I'm not obsessed, I swear. Sorry if it's bad, it is a little rushed as I have a lot of stuff to do for school at the moment.

Warning: This is a LEMON. Meaning that it does include sexual content. If you do not like that fort of thing, please don't read!

Includes: Vampire Shouto, biting, dom shoto I guess? Yes, another submissive reader, but I tried to put more effort into this than last years Christmas special lemon. Gender neutral I guess? no gender was exactly specified..


You were an absolute idiot. A moron.


You had agreed to go to an abandoned house for Halloween with your friends... Except, they had chickened out and cancelled on you... So why were you still here? The answer is simple really.

You weren't afraid of shit, and you wanted to prove that. So you stayed.

Which may have been a mistake.

So far, you'd wandered around the majority of this supposedly dingy and forgotten building, but what you'd found out was that it didn't actually seem all that... Abandoned. The place was relatively clean and tidy, there wasn't that much damage from rot or damp, and there was a surprisingly low amount of dust, almost like somebody had actually been here recently to tidy the place up or do maintenance...

Maybe somebody was planning on trying to sell the house? It was rather nice, so they'd probable be able to get a reasonably good profit for it..

You were still wandering around, but stopped once you got to what appeared to be the dining room... There was a set of candles in the center of the table...

Lit candles.

Someone had been here, and was quite likely still here...

Meaning you weren't alone.

You tried to shake it off, but you heard a sound from behind you, and just as you were about to turn to step out of the room, you felt a sudden swirl of air and were soon trapped against the now closed door. Your eyes trailed along one of the arms you were caged between, to meet with the heterochromatic eyes of the stranger who had trapped you.

"What are you doing here? In my home?" He asked, his voice coming out somewhat like a growl. You explained your reason for being there, only just loudly enough for him to hear, and he let out a chuckle.

"You humans can be very foolish creatures at times..." He said quietly, causing you to tilt your head in confusion. This only caused him to smirk slightly, showing his pearly white fangs... Fangs? Wait, what?

"Who- no, w-what are you?" You asked, and he shook his head a little, clicking his tongue.
"My name is Shouto Todoroki.. And you already know what I am, don't you?" he whispered with a light chuckle. He leaned in close to your ear. "I believe you humans call us vampires..." he whispered quietly, and you shivered. He then moved his head back, and looked your body up and down. "So, now you know I'm here... I can't exactly let you go~" he purred, and a light blush spread across your cheeks. He moved a hand to gently trace his fingers over your neck.

"Say, how about I make you a deal?" He asked, tilting his head a little. "You can go free... If you let me drink from you~" He said, leaning close to you once again, and allowing his nose to brush lightly against the soft skin of your neck. "You see, its been such a long time... I promise it won't hurt. Who knows? you may even find the feeling rather... Pleasurable~" He whispered, his warm breath fanning over the skin of your neck.

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